I want to write a code for removing some column from csv file. There is a csv file that contains rows and columns. I want to search for columns that have a zero number in first line and remove them and build a new csv file. I tried to write a csv file to array of string and after that searching in first row of array.

If there was a zero in a column, remove it. and at last build a new csv file.

Here is my code:

       public class removezero {
       public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

     //scanner to read csv file
    Scanner replace = new Scanner(new    File("csvfile"));

//array of string
 String [][] all= new String [5][5];

//new csv file to write answer
 FileWriter removezero = new FileWriter(createReplacedCsv());

 int i=0;
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

 //write csv to array

while (replace.hasNext()) {

            String[] result = replace.nextLine().split(",");

            all[i]= result;


   // write from  array to builder

for(int j=0;j<5; j++){
for(int k=0;k<5; k++)

 //write to csv file


 private static File createReplacedCsv() throws Exception {
 File replacedCsv = new File("removedzero.csv");
 return replacedCsv;

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1 Answers1


The problem with your code is a consequence of the following line:

int col = replace.nextLine().length();

Since Scanner is a one way iterator (see here for more details: Using scanner.nextLine()) the extra call you perform to get the number of columns means that when reading CSV file in a loop you've got less elements than expected by countLines and you get an error by calling nextLine on empty iterator.

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Norbert Radyk
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