When I have 2 columns set in a Sublime Text window, can I display the same file in both columns?

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9 Answers9


Yes, you can. When a file is open, click on File -> New View Into File. You can then drag the new tab to the other pane and view the file twice.

There are several ways to create a new pane. As described in other answers, on Linux and Windows, you can use AltShift2 (Option ⌥Command ⌘2 on OS X), which corresponds to View → Layout → Columns: 2 in the menu. If you have the excellent Origami plugin installed, you can use View → Origami → Pane → Create → Right, or the CtrlK, Ctrl chord on Windows/Linux (replace Ctrl with on OS X).

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Its Shift + Alt + 2 to split into 2 screens. More options are found under the menu item View -> Layout.
Once the screen is split, you can open files using the shortcuts:
1. Ctrl + P (From existing directories within sublime) or
2. Ctrl + O(Browse directory)

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Inside sublime editor,Find the Tab named View,

View --> Layout --> "select your need"
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    `View --> Layout --> "select your need" ` select your needs = [single,columns,rows,grids]. So this means the options available when you go to Layout .try out first ,Tested in Sublime 2. – sg28 Jan 29 '16 at 23:02
  • appreciate the menu navigation instead of just a shortcut which happens to work for some users and doesn't explain what sublime feature is in use - which the menu clearly defines. :) – keen Dec 22 '17 at 17:17
  • This should be the only accepted, this is what worked for me. The accepted one doesn't work anymore. Probably it doesn't work in current versions. – VaTo Jan 08 '19 at 23:11

Here is a simple plugin to "open / close a splitter" into the current file, as found in other editors:

import sublime_plugin

class SplitPaneCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
    def run(self):
        w = self.window
        if w.num_groups() == 1:
            w.run_command('set_layout', {
                'cols': [0.0, 1.0],
                'rows': [0.0, 0.33, 1.0],
                'cells': [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2]]
            w.run_command('move_to_group', {'group': 1})
            w.run_command('set_layout', {
                'cols': [0.0, 1.0],
                'rows': [0.0, 1.0],
                'cells': [[0, 0, 1, 1]]

Save it as Packages/User/split_pane.py and bind it to some hotkey:

{"keys": ["f6"], "command": "split_pane"},

If you want to change to vertical split change with following

        "cols": [0.0, 0.46, 1.0],
        "rows": [0.0, 1.0],
        "cells": [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1]]
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I regularly work on the same file in 2 different positions. I solved this in Sublime Text 3 using origami and chain with some additional config.

My workflow is Ctrl + k + 2 splits the view of the file in two (horizontal) panes with the lower one active. Use Ctrl + k + o to toggle between the panes. When done ensure the lower pane is the active and press Ctrl + F4 to close the duplicated view and the pane.

In sublime global settings (not origami settings!) add

"origami_auto_close_empty_panes": true,

Add the following shortcuts

  { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "2"], 
    "command": "chain", 
    "args": {
      "commands": [
        ["create_pane", {"direction": "down"}],
        ["clone_file_to_pane", {"direction": "down"}],

  { "keys": ["ctrl+k", "o"], "command": "focus_neighboring_group" },
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  • to make the `chain` command work (seen in the shortcut), you will also need the [Chain of Command package](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Chain%20of%20Command) installed. – wehal3001 Sep 12 '16 at 21:19
  • @wehal3001 Thanks, updated (also updated the globals settings, where the wrong setting was pasted). – mrtnlrsn Sep 13 '16 at 06:48

I would suggest you to use Origami. Its a great plugin for splitting the screen. For better information on keyboard short cuts install it and after restarting Sublime text open Preferences->Package Settings -> Origami -> Key Bindings - Default

For specific to your question I would suggest you to see the short cuts related to cloning of files in the above mentioned file.

Gautam Singh
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It is possible to edit same file in Split mode. It is best explained in following youtube video.


Rahul Varadkar
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View -> Layout -> Choose one option or use shortcut

Layout        Shortcut

Single        Alt + Shift + 1
Columns: 2    Alt + Shift + 2
Columns: 3    Alt + Shift + 3
Columns: 4    Alt + Shift + 4
Rows: 2       Alt + Shift + 8
Rows: 3       Alt + Shift + 9
Grid: 4       Alt + Shift + 5

enter image description here

Mile Mijatović
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Kinda little late but I tried to extend @Tobia's answer to set the layout "horizontal" or "vertical" driven by the command argument e.g.

{"keys": ["f6"], "command": "split_pane", "args": {"split_type": "vertical"} } 

Plugin code:

import sublime_plugin

class SplitPaneCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
    def run(self, split_type):
        w = self.window
        if w.num_groups() == 1:
            if (split_type == "horizontal"):
                w.run_command('set_layout', {
                    'cols': [0.0, 1.0],
                    'rows': [0.0, 0.33, 1.0],
                    'cells': [[0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 2]]
            elif (split_type == "vertical"):
                w.run_command('set_layout', {
                    "cols": [0.0, 0.46, 1.0],
                    "rows": [0.0, 1.0],
                    "cells": [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1]]

            w.run_command('move_to_group', {'group': 1})
            w.run_command('set_layout', {
                'cols': [0.0, 1.0],
                'rows': [0.0, 1.0],
                'cells': [[0, 0, 1, 1]]
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