I'm trying to get a value from an Interface. I have a function like this:

public IEnumerable<Car> CreateCars()
    IEnumerable<Car> carList = new List<Car>()
        new Car{ Id = 1, Name = "Opel", CarProperties = { Color= "White", Model= "2012" }},
        new Car{ Id = 2, Name = "Citroen", CarProperties = { Color= "Blue", Model = "2014" }},
        new Car{ Id = 6, Name = "Peugeot", CarProperties = { Color= "Red", Model = "2013" } }

    return carList;

When I call the method it gives exception:

object reference not set to instance of an object.

I searched but could not find an answer. Can you help me to solve this problem?

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2 Answers2

new Car{ Id = 1, Name = "Opel", CarProperties = { Color= "White", Model= "2012" }}

This line is equivalent to this:

car = new Car();
car.Id = ...
car.Name = ...
car.CarProperties.Color = ...

The fact that you're getting a NullReferenceException leads me to believe car.CarProperties is null.

One possible fix is to change the Car constructor to initialize the CarProperties property or its backing field.

public class Car
    public SomeType CarProperties {get; private set;}

    public Car()
        CarProperties = new SomeType();
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I guess the exception is raised here:

new Car{ Id = 1, Name = "Opel", CarProperties = { Color= "White", Model= "2012" }},

You should initialize CarProperties with its corresponding type. Something like:

new Car { Id = 1, Name = "Opel", CarProperties = new CarProperty { Color= "White", Model= "2012" } },

You can also initialize the CarProperties property in the constructor of the Car class.

Henk Mollema
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    I think *You should initialize `CarProperties` with its corresponding type* doesn't make much sense. How about *You should initialize `CarProperties` by creating a new instance of `CarProperty`*, which is what your code actually does? – sloth May 30 '14 at 14:15