I need to decompile & recompile an apk on windows... I am following this link Reverse Engineer APK

The issue is I can't find the file that makes requests (refer to above link)"Find the file that makes requests grep -r "RequestUtil.java" " I tried using WindowsGrep software, but unable to find such file.

I don't know if I am on the wrong track. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

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  • No, you are on the wrong track. There is a modern alternative to this APKTool->dex2jar->JD-GUI route! Just try open-source APK and DEX decompiler called Jadx: https://sourceforge.net/projects/jadx/files/ It has also online version here: http://www.javadecompilers.com/apk – Andrew Rukin Sep 02 '15 at 15:14

1 Answers1


After decompiling apk, change directory to the com.instagram.android/smali: cd com.instagram.android/smali

Search RequestUtil.java by Windows search or following command in command prompt: dir /s *RequestUtil.java*

If the RequestUtil.java not found, it does not exists! Make sure you decompile the correct version of apk.

Amir Saniyan
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