Am using Mule-Sap Connector(v)3.5.0 to Create Sales-Order.

I see following error message in RETURN

Row 0

  • Type: E
  • ID: VP
  • Message: Please enter sold-to party or ship-to party

    Row 1

  • Type: E

  • ID: V4
  • Message: Sales document was not changed

Mapping Details

enter image description here

Code Snippet:

<sap:outbound-endpoint exchange-pattern="request-response"
        type="function" functionName="BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2"
        xmlVersion="2" outputXml="true" responseTimeout="10000"
        connector-ref="sap-connector" doc:name="create-sales-order">
                <structure name="ORDER_HEADER_IN">
                     <field name="DOC_TYPE">ZBV1</field>
                     <field name="SALES_ORG">1000</field>
                     <field name="DISTR_CHAN">6</field>
                     <field name="DIVISION">1</field>
                     <field name="SALES_OFF">MCT</field>
                     <field name="SALES_GRP">2</field>


                    <table name="ORDER_PARTNERS">
                       <row id="0">
                          <field name="PARTN_ROLE">PE</field>//Customer sold to party 
                          <field name="PARTN_NUMB">4275</field>
                        <row id="1">
                          <field name="PARTN_ROLE">SP</field> //Employee sold to party
                          <field name="PARTN_NUMB">60001039</field>

                    <table name="ORDER_SCHEDULES_IN">
                      <row id="0">
                        <field name="REQ_QTY">1</field>
                    <table name="ORDER_ITEMS_IN">
                      <row id="0">
                        <field name="MATERIAL">11753</field>
                        <field name="SALES_UNIT">EA</field>
                        <field name="PLANT">D006</field>
                        <field name="BATCH">384</field>


By the error message i insist that sold-to party is not correctly mapped. So can any one please help me, how do i map sold-to party and where am going wrong.

Many Thanks..

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1 Answers1


Try with 'AG' instead of 'SP'. I faced the same problem which resolved by putting AG as PARTN_ROLE.

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