I recently began learning JavaScript and decided to create a program to factor quadratic functions. The program itself is longer, and takes three users inputs (secondnum,firstnum,thirdnum) representing a,b,c in the standard form ax^2+bx+c. The program functions normally until this block of code.

function discriminant(secondnum,firstnum,thirdnum) {
    var disc = Math.sqrt(Math.power(secondnum,2)-(4*firstnum*thirdnum));
    return disc;
ans1 = ((-1*secondnum) + disc)/(2*firstnum);
ans2 = ((-1*secondnum) - disc)/(2*firstnum);

My intention of this code is creating a function which solves for the discriminant, then uses the discriminant in the quadratic formula. I believe there is something incorrect about the discriminant function. Is this the proper way to use user input in the function? I hope this question is not too specific.

Also if it matters here is an example of how I collect user input for (secondnum)

var secondnum = prompt ("enter b");
while (isNaN(secondnum) || secondnum == "") {
    var secondnum = prompt ("enter a different  b");

Thank you in advance.

BLK Horizon
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1 Answers1


I am not 100% sure on the math, but syntactically I think you are trying to do something like this

function discriminant(secondnum,firstnum,thirdnum) {
     var disc = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(secondnum,2)-(4*firstnum*thirdnum));
     return disc;

ans1 = ((-1*secondnum) + discriminant(firstnum, secondnum, thirdnum))/(2*firstnum);
ans2 = ((-1*secondnum) - discriminant(firstnum, secondnum, thirdnum))/(2*firstnum);


which will at least get your alert boxes working provided firstnum, secondnum and thirdnum are declared before this block executes

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