I have 3 Tables - Lease Account, Lease, Transaction. Each Lease Account has N Leases, each Lease has N Transactions. I am allowed to do only 1 query to the database - Select * from Lease Account, to fetch all this data into Java as N Lease Account objects - each Lease Account object containing a of Lease objects - each Lease containing a of Transaction objects.

Can somebody please guide me on how to write the one to many mapping (hbm.xml) for this scenario in Hibernate(3.2) ?


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1 Answers1


In your lease account hbm xml

<class name="LeaseAccounts" table="lease">

    <id name="leaseAccountsId" type="java.lang.Long" column="id" >
        <generator class="native" />

<set name="lease" table="lease_accounts"
                    inverse="true" lazy="true" fetch="select">
                    <column name="id" not-null="true" />
                <one-to-many class="Lease.class" />


Similarly you can write for your lease table.
NB: Select * will load all data or not depends upon your lazy initialization. If lazy loading is set to true , then your need to do Hibernate.initialize(your collection)

(The lazy attribute tells hibernate when to get the children. The fetch attribute tells hibernate how to get the children.)

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