I want my tooltip element (the <span>) to appear above everything on the page but still relative to its parent element (the <td>). I'm trying with JS but would like a no-script solution.

JS to show/hide the <span>:

window.AETid = "AE";

        function tooltip(tid) {

        function hideTooltip(tid) {


<td class="ht" onmouseover="tooltip(window.AETid);" onmouseout="hideTooltip(window.AETid);">
Send reminders?
<span class="tooltip" id="AE">If this option is selected, e-mail reminders will be sent to the client before each appointment.</span>

CSS for .tooltip:

.ht { position: relative; }
    .tooltip {
        color: #ff0000;
        display: none;
        z-index: 100;
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0px;

Currently, the tooltip appears as expected when I hover over the <td>, but it appears within the element, thus changing the size of the <td> and thus the <tr> and thus the whole dang <table>. I want the tooltip to appear, well, like tooltips do: above and not effecting the rest of the page. z-index doesn't seem to do it alone in my case...

Using position: fixed instead of absolute on the tooltip <span> kept the element from interrupting the DOM, but literally positioned it after everything else on the page (at the bottom)

All help is greatly appreciated

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  • Position needs to be `absolute` or `fixed`. The position right now is relative, which will effect the position of other `relative` or `static` positioned elements – Joe Komputer May 15 '14 at 21:06
  • I tried it using `relative` on the parent and `absolute` on the tooltip `` (and edited the question to clarify). The tooltip is still interrupting the DOM flow. Using `fixed` made it positioned after everything else on the page – khaverim May 15 '14 at 21:13

5 Answers5


I found a method to make a very lightweight tooltip with no JS!


<td class="ht">Send reminders?
<span class="tooltip">this is the tooltip alshdgwh gahfguo 
wfhg fghwoug wugw hgrwuog hwaur guoarwhg rwu</span>

CSS: (must be in this order)

.ht:hover .tooltip {

.tooltip {
    display: none;
    color: red;
    margin-left: 28px; /* moves the tooltip to the right */
    margin-top: 15px; /* moves it down */
    position: absolute;
    z-index: 1000;

Totally awesome and props to this guy!

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    Usually not a fan of people co-opting other people's answers, even if you do give props, but in reducing that user's code down to its very basics, you've made this more valuable. Good job. – Engineer Oct 17 '19 at 11:05

just use abbr tag ?

<p><abbr title="World Health Organization">WHO</abbr> was founded in 1948.</p>
<p title="Free Web tutorials">W3Schools.com</p>
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Just curious what is wrong with the title attribute of the td???

<td title="If this option is selected, e-mail reminders will be sent to the client before each appointment.">
  Send reminders?
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Try this its simple and compact, I made it myself

<link href="https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/tooltipcss.appspot.com/o/tooltip.css?alt=media&token=0ce443aa-0970-4167-8d7d-7abdcd2edf71" rel="stylesheet">
<span class="info">Text<span class="tooltip">MSG</span></span>

Solution for tooltip ON TOP (always even if no space available)

.ht:hover .tooltip {

  position: relative;
.tooltip {
    display: none;
    color: red;
    z-index: 1;
  position: absolute;
  top: -50%;
  transform: translatey(-50%);

<div class="ht">Send reminders? <br/> xaxaxa <br/> xaxaxa <br/> xaxaxa
<span class="tooltip">this is the tooltip alshdgwh gahfguo 
wfhg fghwoug wugw hgrwuog hwaur guoarwhg <br/> sdfaasdfrwu<br/> sdfaasdfrwu<br/> sdfaasdfrwu</span>
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