I have a one page website with a fixed header and some sections. I am using scrollTo and localScroll to jump to each section, but I have a problem to add class=active to a href on scroll.

I can add class=activeon click, but I do not know how to do it on scroll and obviously remove it when switching from "old" to "new" section.

This is what I have done, when clicking:

function selectNav() {
function trigger(data) {
    var el = $('#menu').find('a[href$="' + data.id + '"]').get(0);


<ul id="menu">
    <li><a href="#homepage"><span>Home</span></a></li>
    <li><a href="#connections"><span>Connections</span></a></li>

<section id="homepage" class="main">

<section id="connections" class="main">

Any help, please?

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2 Answers2


If I read your question correct, you want to add the class, then make the window scroll to a certain position, and then remove the class when the scrolling is done.

You could take a look at this question: jQuery scroll to element

And then my suggestion would be apply the "Active" class on click, and then remove it again, once the animation is completed, using the callback function.


        scrollTop:$("#connections").offset().top},0, function(){
        console.log("Done - Remove class")}

This is the only solution I could come up with, that will remove the class AFTER the scrolling is completed.

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$.fn.inView = function(){
    //Window Object
    var win = $(window);
    //Object to Check
    obj = $(this);
    //the top Scroll Position in the page
    var scrollPosition = win.scrollTop();
    //the end of the visible area in the page, starting from the scroll position
    var visibleArea = win.scrollTop() + win.height();
    //the end of the object to check
    var objEndPos = (obj.offset().top + obj.outerHeight());
    return(visibleArea >= objEndPos && scrollPosition <= objEndPos ? true : false)

    if($("#homepage").inView()) {
        //#homepage active
    } else if($("#connections").inView()) {
        //#connections active
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