I'm trying to emulate an object that has a number of methods in JSBin. I don't want to redefine the entire method is JSBin. Mostly because methods are being added frequently and I'm just trying to explore if what I want is even possible. Is there a way that I could create an object so that whatever method was called on it, it would just return an arbitrary value?

var ret = {

  //no methods


var result = ret.getSomeVal("funny_cat.gif");

console.log(result); //funny_cat.gif

Could something intercept this call to ret and create the returnSomeVal method automatically, so that it would just return whatever argument was passed to it?

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2 Answers2


In Ruby, this feature is called method_missing. It's a method that gets called whenever you call a method that hasn't been defined on an object.

From then on, you can do whatever you want, like send yourself an e-mail to notify you that some user tried to call an undefined method or even make method_missing return some default response in those cases.

I found this port of method_missing to javascript. It looks like what you're after:


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Proxies were designed to allow catch-alls like this.

Proxies are objects for which the programmer has to define the semantics in JavaScript.

So you can redefine obj[...] to return a default value for undefined properties instead of undefined. They're a planned API for EcmaScript.next so are not yet standardized though a lot of browsers have been implementing them as the spec is finalized.

The simple example returns 37 for any

var handler = {
    get: function(target, name){
        return name in target?
            target[name] :

var p = new Proxy({}, handler);

You can modify this to return a method instead.

function returns_37() { return 37; }

var handler = {
    get: function(target, name){
        return name in target?
            target[name] :

var p = new Proxy({}, handler);
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Mike Samuel
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