Could any one please help me in displaying an optionset field value in a text field..? I want to retrieve the value selected in optionset and display the same in a text field using plugin.. Iam writing this plugin on "update" of "case' entity...

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2 Answers2


For getting the option set value:

int value = ((OptionSetValue)entity["yourattributename"]).Value;

For getting the text:

String text = entity.FormattedValues["yourattributename"].ToString();

In the above code entity is the Entity object from which the optionset value/text to be retrieved. Please replace the attribute name with your case.

Konrad Viltersten
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  • Initially it was like ***entity.GetFormattedAttributeValue("attributename");*** Now a days it is ***entity.FormattedValues["attributename"];*** – Anish Sep 20 '18 at 13:10

You should put this logic in the pre-update (and maybe pre-create) steps. Retrieve the case from the Target parameter, get the display value of the option set field (there are several ways to do this, I like using the FormattedValues attribute), and set the text field to be this value.

entity["new_textfield"] = entity.FormattedValues["new_optionset"];
Zach Mast
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