I'm new in C++, and I'm trying to write a program that using only function (no vector or template) should be able to read an extarnal file and save everything in one array. To dimension my array i first read the total number of lines in the file, and based on taht I dimensioned my array. Then I re-read all the lines in the file and I started to store them in the array. Everything went well. But when I got the code and tried to make us a feature I got stuck. I can not find any way to pass the array by reference. Each time I find a variety of errors. Can someone help me please? Thank you

while (!infile.eof())
// read the file line by line
getline (infile,line);

// call a function that take out the tags from the line
parseLine(&allLines[lines_count], lines_count2, line);

}   // end while

    // Within parseHTML, strip out all of the html tags leaving a pure text line.
    void parseLine(string (&allLines)[lines_count], int lines_count2, string line)
// I don-t take empty lines
if (line!="")

// local var
string del1="<!DOCTYPE", del2="<script";
int eraStart=0, eraEnd=0;

    // I don't take line that start with <!DOCTYPE
    eraStart = line.find(del1);
    if (eraStart!=std::string::npos)

    // I don't take line that start with  <script
    eraStart = line.find(del2);
    if (eraStart!=std::string::npos)

    cout << "Starting situation: " << line << "\n \n";

    // A. counting the occourence of the character ">" in the line
    size_t eraOccur = count(line.begin(), line.end(), '<');
    cout << "numero occorenze" << eraOccur  << "\n \n";

    // declaring the local var
    string str2 ("<"), str3 (">");

    // B. loop in the line for each occurence...looking for <  and >  position
    for (int i=0; i<eraOccur; i++)

        // looking for position char  "<"
        eraStart = line.find(str2);
        if (eraStart!=string::npos)
            cout << "first 'needle' found at: " << eraStart << '\n';

            // looking for position char  ">"
            eraEnd = line.find(str3);
            if (eraEnd!=string::npos)
            cout << "second 'needle' found at: " << eraEnd << '\n';

            //delete everything between < and >
            cout << "start " << eraStart  << " end " <<  eraEnd << "\n \n";     
            line.erase(eraStart, eraEnd);

cout << "memo situation: " << line << "\n \n";

// C. memorize the result into an array
allLines[lines_count2] = line;

}       // end if


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  • Watch out with .eof() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5605125/why-is-iostreameof-inside-a-loop-condition-considered-wrong – Eejin Apr 26 '14 at 21:37

1 Answers1


Assuming your array was declared as string allLines[lines_count] you should should declare the function as

void parseLine(string* allLines, int lines_count2, string line) or

void parseLine(string allLines[], int lines_count2, string line)

and call the function as parseLine(allLines, lines_count2, line)

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  • Yesss Youda ! yesss.... Thank you. I was looking to different solution like: 'void parseLine(string (&allLines)[lines_count], int lines_count2, string line)' But they didn't work – Cubo Apr 26 '14 at 23:07