I have number of Zip Files {'File1.zip', 'File2.zip', 'File3.zip',..., 'FileN.zip'} in which each zip file contains a Data.csv file. I want to read the data in 'Data.csv' of each Zip file without having to extract the Zip files' contents. Is this possible..?

Chandra Sekhar K
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  • You can extract the file with the `unzip` command, read it, and delete it later if you don't want it. – buzjwa Apr 17 '14 at 10:55
  • My thought is instead of extracting or deleting....whether we can directly read the contents using actxserver application or java components in matlab.... – Chandra Sekhar K Apr 17 '14 at 11:03
  • That's an idea. You should edit the question to include this possible method. – buzjwa Apr 17 '14 at 11:05

1 Answers1


Certainly Winzip / 7zip / Winrar do not have COM interface component which can invoke directly unlike word, excel an other application.

Hence @Java is appropriate

Idea is don't extract files physically , however create absolute path of file such that windows consider as physical presence of File (similar to ~tmp file)

here the code

zipFilename = 'Ex.zip';
zipJavaFile  = java.io.File(zipFilename);

% Create a Java ZipFile

 zipFile = org.apache.tools.zip.ZipFile(zipJavaFile);

% Extract the entries from the ZipFile.

 entries = zipFile.getEntries;
 cnt = 1;

% Get Zip File Paths

 while entries.hasNext
   tempObj = entries.nextElement;
   file{cnt,1} = tempObj.getName.toCharArray';
   cnt = cnt+ 1;

% Extract File Name

 ind = regexp(file,'$*.csv$');
 ind = find(~cellfun(@isempty,ind));  % Find Non Empty Cell Index
 file = file(ind);

% Create Absolute Path so that Windows consider as Directory

  file = cellfun(@(x) fullfile('.',x),file,'UniformOutput',false);

% Now Operate Any thing on File.

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  • It is may be java version dependent but I have to use `while entries.hasMoreElements` instead of `while entries.hasNext` to get it to work. Nice trick otherwise. Don't forget to mention to **close** the java zipfile after use (`zipFile.close`) or it will be locked until you close Matlab. – Hoki Jul 02 '15 at 10:00