i know this question may sound you odd but i am very worry about it that why i came to you ..

I want to write a text string from right to left instead of from left to right with the imagettftext (); function

I read in teh manual that the angle variable controls this, it says that 0 angle means left to right, so I tried 180, 360 but nothing happens

What angle do I need to put it to get it to write it right to left

I am writing a hebrew text string with a font.ttf that supports hebrew characters

$white = imagecolorallocate($background, 255, 255, 255);
$fontfile = "davidtr.ttf";
$string = "מחלדגכ";
imagettftext($background, 12, 360, 3, 17, $white, $fontfile, $string);


i also used this function strrev(),

$white = imagecolorallocate($background, 255, 255, 255);
$fontfile = "davidtr.ttf";
$string = strrev("עברית");
//imagettftext($image, $font_size, 0, $x, $y, $text_color, $this->font , $code) or die('Error in imagettftext function');
imagettftext($background, 12, 0, 3, 17, $white, $fontfile, $string);

now the text is screwed up on the image some letters are white boxes

then i used this function:

function utf8_strrev($str){
   preg_match_all('/./us', $str, $ar);
   return join('',array_reverse($ar[0]));

It helped me a lot, but now it also reversed integers

$string = "מחל 65 דגכ";
echo utf8_strrev($string);
//Now string revered but 65 converted to 56

Can you please give me a better solution that only hebrew characters become reverse not integers..

Thanks in Advance because i know some developers Gonna Help me.

Ahmad Sattar
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  • I've never been great with regular expressions; I'm more of a "loop through the string" kinda guy. But the concept seems to be this: use your function utf8_strrev to reverse the whole thing, then isolate each contiguous string of numbers within the string and apply utf8_strrev to them (within the string). I could do it easily via a loop, but I'd probably get a bunch of down-votes. ;) – BrettFromLA Apr 16 '14 at 21:50

5 Answers5


You could change utf8_strrev() like that:

function utf8_strrev($str){
   preg_match_all('/([^\d]|\d+)/us', $str, $ar);
   return join('',array_reverse($ar[0]));

That way you match everything that isn't a digit or everything that is a sequence of digits.

So, the string "one 123 two" would result to the string "owt 123 eno".

The array $ar inside utf8_strrev() would be like that after the preg_match_all():

[0] => o
[1] => n
[2] => e
[3] => 
[4] => 123
[5] =>
[6] => t
[7] => w
[8] => o
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  function hebstrrev($string, $revInt = false, $encoding = 'UTF-8'){
    $mb_strrev = function($str) use ($encoding){return mb_convert_encoding(strrev(mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-16BE', $encoding)), $encoding, 'UTF-16LE');};

      $s = '';
      foreach(array_reverse(preg_split('/(?<=\D)(?=\d)|\d+\K/', $string)) as $val){
        $s .= ctype_digit($val) ? $val : $mb_strrev($val);
      return $s;
    } else {
      return $mb_strrev($string);

  echo hebstrrev("מחל 65 דגכ"); // outputs: כגד 65 לחמ
  echo hebstrrev("מחל 65 דגכ", true); // outputs: כגד 56 לחמ


This function reverses the string with an optional parameter to reverse the integers within the string as well. It also allows to change the encoding of the string, so it should be universal, no matter what language.

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This will help you :

$s = iconv("ISO-8859-8", "UTF-8", hebrev(iconv("UTF-8", "ISO-8859-8", $s)));
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I would recommend using this function http://php.net/manual/de/function.imagettfbbox.php

$white = imagecolorallocate($background, 255, 255, 255);
$fontfile = "davidtr.ttf";
//text how it should be displayed
$string = "מחלדגכ"; //will result in:
                    //  -------------------
                    // |            מחלדגכ|
                    // |                  |
                    // |                  |
                    //  -------------------
$helper = imageTTFBbox(12,0,$fontfile,$string);
imagettftext($background, 12, 0, 15+imagesx($background)-abs($helper[4] - $helper[0]), 17, $white, $fontfile, $string);

so basically you calculate the width of the text, get the width of the image, subtract those and add a padding (15). Note that the text, fontfile, fontsize and angle must be the same for both imageTTFBbox and imagettftext for it to work

If you also have to reverse the text I would recommend the solution of @Master_ex

(Code not tested yet. please comment if that doesn't work so I can test it and, of course, correct the code)


The simplest way might be not doing this on the PHP side at all. I would suggest you check out http://www.codekhan.com/2012/01/how-to-use-bdo-tag-in-html5.html and see if it would cover your needs.

On the HTML side of things, you'd include your hebrew-only text inside of an rtl block (as seen in the link) without converting the actual LTR data or other text on your page.

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