I have a web server based on Ubuntu 12.04, the user can upload a video (whatever the format/container/codec it is) then i want to convert it to an MP4 video. I tried ffmpeg without good result (and now it is also deprecated).

How i can do this?

The important is also to reduce the resolution for HD videos for reduce video's size.

Thank you in advance.

Mauro Valvano
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  • The fake "`ffmpeg`" from Libav (a fork of FFmpeg) has been deprecated by Libav for their program `avconv`. Development activity for `ffmpeg` from FFmpeg has always been, and continues to be, very active. Few can deny that the "deprecated" message was misleading to users. – llogan Apr 14 '14 at 17:39

1 Answers1


I suggest you take a look at this question.

ffmpeg is not deprecated. You are probably receiving misleading information. ffmpeg will work great for what you want to do. I suggest you take a second try. You can use it from PHP or Java for example and execute it through command line. It is particularly fitted for batch processing and any media-based automated task.

The option to resize in ffmpeg is -s (see here for more info).

If you are really not convince with that I suggest you take a look handbrake which also has a command line interface for Ubuntu. Handbrake is mostly a wrapper for ffmpeg (with a GUI also).

After that there are paid options like zencoder which has a great cloud-based API. A more comprehensive list is here.

I hope you get what you are looking for. If you have any issue with ffmpeg please post your code and console output on a new question.

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Arnaud Leyder
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