I know that I can use e.g. pySerial to talk to serial devices, but what if I don't have a device right now but still need to write a client for it? How can I write a "virtual serial device" in Python and have pySerial talk to it, like I would, say, run a local web server? Maybe I'm just not searching well, but I've been unable to find any information on this topic.

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6 Answers6


this is something I did and worked out for me so far:

import os, pty, serial

master, slave = pty.openpty()
s_name = os.ttyname(slave)

ser = serial.Serial(s_name)

# To Write to the device
ser.write('Your text')

# To read from the device

If you create more virtual ports you will have no problems as the different masters get different file descriptors even if they have the same name.

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  • This is exactly the answer I was looking for. This works for me on Mac OS X. – DrRobotNinja Jul 01 '14 at 15:11
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    This will not work on Windows, which lacks the termios module required by pty. – OYRM Dec 12 '14 at 20:16
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    I seem to be able to read from the fake device just fine (i.e. I have another program writing to the device at endpoint `s_name`), but whenever I issue `ser.write("...")`, that text just get echoed back the next time I `os.read(master,1000)`, regardless of if anything's connected to the port, and the other end of the port doesn't seem to get the data. – Ponkadoodle Jul 22 '15 at 23:23
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    When I run your code in Ubuntu 14.04 I get the following error: `File "", line 1, in File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/serialutil.py", line 180, in __init__ self.open() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 311, in open self._update_dtr_state() File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/serial/serialposix.py", line 605, in _update_dtr_state fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIS, TIOCM_DTR_str) IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument` – Samuel Góngora Mar 10 '16 at 14:20
  • Sorry Samuel, it works for me just fine right now. But I've since long ago stopped working on that project so I have not much input to give you at this point – Aquiles Mar 10 '16 at 17:39
  • @OYRM do you have some suggestions for Windows, I created question here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36115831/programmatically-create-virtual-serial-port-on-windows – Ivan Borshchov Mar 20 '16 at 15:46
  • @SamuelGóngora, I was receiving the same error, make sure you have permissions to access the `/dev/tty` file by either running python with sudo, or changing ownership to the file to you. – Patrick Steadman May 26 '16 at 01:52
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    @SamuelGóngora Also see this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34831131/pyserial-does-not-play-well-with-virtual-port , I think this is probably the more accurate cause of the problem. – Patrick Steadman May 26 '16 at 19:36
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    pyserial's unit tests have a nice set of examples: https://github.com/pyserial/pyserial/blob/7bd427087857ba474180058b727578ca4cec5e2e/test/test_pty.py – Matt Mar 15 '17 at 22:58

It may be easier to using something like com0com (if you're on Windows) to set up a virtual serial port, and develop on that.

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  • is there a free `com0com` alternative (with API) that I can use in my commercial software `as it is` ? I just need the user to have virtual serial ports – mrid May 12 '20 at 04:15

I was able to emulate an arbitrary serial port ./foo using this code:


import os, subprocess, serial, time

# this script lets you emulate a serial device
# the client program should use the serial port file specifed by client_port

# if the port is a location that the user can't access (ex: /dev/ttyUSB0 often),
# sudo is required

class SerialEmulator(object):
    def __init__(self, device_port='./ttydevice', client_port='./ttyclient'):
        self.device_port = device_port
        self.client_port = client_port
        cmd=['/usr/bin/socat','-d','-d','PTY,link=%s,raw,echo=0' %
                self.device_port, 'PTY,link=%s,raw,echo=0' % self.client_port]
        self.proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        self.serial = serial.Serial(self.device_port, 9600, rtscts=True, dsrdtr=True)
        self.err = ''
        self.out = ''

    def write(self, out):

    def read(self):
        line = ''
        while self.serial.inWaiting() > 0:
            line += self.serial.read(1)
        print line

    def __del__(self):

    def stop(self):
        self.out, self.err = self.proc.communicate()

socat needs to be installed (sudo apt-get install socat), as well as the pyserial python package (pip install pyserial).

Open the python interpreter and import SerialEmulator:

>>> from SerialEmulator import SerialEmulator
>>> emulator = SerialEmulator('./ttydevice','./ttyclient') 
>>> emulator.write('foo')
>>> emulator.read()

Your client program can then wrap ./ttyclient with pyserial, creating the virtual serial port. You could also make client_port /dev/ttyUSB0 or similar if you can't modify client code, but might need sudo.

Also be aware of this issue: Pyserial does not play well with virtual port

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Patrick Steadman
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  • Do you have this code somewhere on GitHub? Why do I need to have 'ttydevice' and 'ttyclient'? I want to have a python program(device emulator) that I will run as a separate process. it will create './ttymydevice' and will reply to my serial commands as it is a really device. – Valentyn Sep 23 '19 at 17:24

If you are running Linux you can use the socat command for this, like so:

socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0 pty,raw,echo=0

When the command runs, it will inform you of which serial ports it has created. On my machine this looks like:

2014/04/23 15:47:49 socat[31711] N PTY is /dev/pts/12
2014/04/23 15:47:49 socat[31711] N PTY is /dev/pts/13
2014/04/23 15:47:49 socat[31711] N starting data transfer loop with FDs [3,3] and [5,5]

Now I can write to /dev/pts/13 and receive on /dev/pts/12, and vice versa.

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Maybe a loop device will do the job if you need to test your application without access to a device. It's included in pySerial 2.5 https://pythonhosted.org/pyserial/url_handlers.html#loop

Michael Burr
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It depends a bit on what you're trying to accomplish now...

You could wrap access to the serial port in a class and write an implementation to use socket I/O or file I/O. Then write your serial I/O class to use the same interface and plug it in when the device is available. (This is actually a good design for testing functionality without requiring external hardware.)

Or, if you are going to use the serial port for a command line interface, you could use stdin/stdout.

Or, there's this other answer about virtual serial devices for linux.

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Dave Bacher
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  • Yes, write a "virtual serial device" class that duplicates the pySerial interface. Then your code can use either your "virtual device" class, or the real pySerial interface, interchangeably. – Craig McQueen Feb 19 '10 at 00:02
  • This is a good implementation since it is rather easy to implement and it will work on all platforms! – Pithikos Jan 22 '15 at 13:27
  • Sorry to update this old post, but could you please elaborate a bit more? This would be very helpful for me. Thanks – rowman Jan 14 '18 at 15:44