I have been writing a small script that shortens documents that are being output on a JSON feed of mine.

I realised that with longer messages, on minimising it could skip a few and you'd have to scroll back to find where you were and so added a scroll function to take you back to the top of the message on minifying. This turned out to be quite annoying when it fired every single time - so I thought, why not make it fire only when the top of the element is above the screen?

And this is where I am stuck --> $(window).scrollTop(); simply doesn't want to output the screen height for me, it's infuriating. I tried with different browsers and the only one .scrollTop() worked for correctly was Internet Explorer.

Here is the function below:

function jexpand(id){
    var elm=$('#d'+jdesc[id].i); // element

    var ofs=elm.offset().top; // element height - works fine
    var top=$(window).scrollTop(); // Y U NO WORK?!!!

    if(jdesc[id].e==true){ // boolean to check whether to expand or contract
        jdesc[id].e=false; // change boolean flag
        if(ofs < top) $('html').animate({scrollTop:($('#'+jdesc[id].i).offset().top)-(20)+'px'},'slow'); // animate to top minus 20 pixels
        elm.html(jdesc[id].d.substring(0,347)+'...<br><div class="readmore"><span id="'+id+'">Show More</span></div>');
        elm.html(jdesc[id].d+'<br><div class="readmore"><span id="'+id+'">Show Less</span></div>');
    $('.readmore span').click(function(){jexpand(this.id)}); // reset click trigger

    //alert(top+' <-> '+ofs);

When I uncomment the alert() at the bottom in a browser other than IE (I tried chrome, mozilla, chrome android, boat browser android) I get a message akin to:

[object Window] <-> 1077.5625

[object Window] is obviously not a number that can be greater or less than the element height! So what does this mean, is there another flag I need to ask of it? At first I assumed it might be the wrong element I was refering so tried top=$('body').scrollTop();, html, etc, I even tried using div wrapper elements but to no avail.

I am using jquery 1.11.0 and with 1.9.1 I had the same issue.

Am I trying to return the screen top in the wrong way or have all my browsers gone loopy?


Weirdly I've found an issue which may explain things a little, when I typed $(document).scrollTop() into a console it gave me the correct screen height however if I make a var top; outside of the function I get this error 'window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead..

I am using a webkit borrowed from html5up and this is somehow interfering with the code. Now to find out what it is....

Sorry for the confusion, without this script everything works fine grr...

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  • Try to console it by using `console.log(top);` – Rohan Kumar Apr 03 '14 at 11:25
  • Kind of unreadable code you have there... BTW, looks wrong here regarding your comment: `$('.readmore span').click(function(){jexpand(this.id)}); // reset click trigger` This doesn't reset click handler, this bind a new one without removing any previous one. And btw, you are recalling same function again and again on each click – A. Wolff Apr 03 '14 at 11:27
  • Rohan, in console I get this response: `"window.webkitStorageInfo' is deprecated. Please use 'navigator.webkitTemporaryStorage' or 'navigator.webkitPersistentStorage' instead.` – Lucas Apr 03 '14 at 11:28
  • What is the result if you put `alert()` just after declaring `top` variable? I don't see why you can get result you said you have. You should *try* to replicates your issue on jsFiddle – A. Wolff Apr 03 '14 at 11:30

4 Answers4


Try this way


 $(window).scrollTop(0);  // this will scroll to top of the page



Happy Coding :)

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What about $(document).scrollTop()? It always worked for me.

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  • well this would do the same effect as `$(window).scrollTop()`.http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5371139/window-scrolltop-vs-document-scrolltop – dreamweiver Apr 03 '14 at 11:30

Try smth like this..

     elm.html(jdesc[id].d.substring(0,347)+'...<br><div class="readmore"><span id="'+id+'">Show More</span></div>');}
     elm.html(jdesc[id].d+'<br><div class="readmore"><span id="'+id+'">Show Less</span></div>');

If work try next with

var ofs=elm.offset().top;
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Try this:

$(document).height(); //returns window height

$(document).scrollTop(); //returns scroll position from top of document


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