Consider the following

var x= doc.Descendants("a").Where(p => p.Attributes["itemprop"].Value.Contains("image")).FirstOrDefault().Attributes["href"].Value;

Descendants might return null

Where might return null

Value might return null

Attributes might Be null etc..

is a try catch my only option to set the variable to null with the linq syntax to avoid the null reference exception, i simply want to set the variable to null and i don't want to split it out and use multiple if statements to check?

  x= doc.Descendants("a").Where(p => p.Attributes["itemprop"].Value.Contains("image")).FirstOrDefault().Attributes["href"].Value;
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1 Answers1


Descendants can't return null it always return IEnumerable<T>

Where can't return null it return IEnumerable<T>

Attributes might Be null yes but you can avoid using Value you can use (string)p.Attributes["itemprop"] instead of p.Attributes["itemprop"].Value

so you can write your query as:

string val;

var x= doc.Descendants("a")
           .Where(p => (((string)p.Attributes["itemprop"]) ?? string.Empty)
if(x != null)
    val = (string)Attributes["href"];
Hamlet Hakobyan
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