I got a website, which contains some JavaScript & CSS. Not much fancy stuff is made, but it makes Safari 7 (version 7.0.2) hangs when changing language ( click the Chinese character on the right top corner ); CPU spikes to >100% and the wording "Design to Inspire", which is a GIF image hangs at the middle. How can I diagnose the JavaScript on that site?

Some discussion online suggests that the new feature of Safari 7 to allow plugin to stop to save power is buggy, causing performance degradation. Yet, after disabled the feature, the issue persists.

On the other hand, some developers suggest that I can use Safari's Developer Panel to diagnose the performance, but the Panel hangs along with Safari. No usable data is captured.


  • Same issue does not appear in Chrome / Firefox / IE.
  • Can't post all the codes here, as the JavaScript has over 1000 lines
  • In Chrome, developer console tells my CPU usage of JavaScript is normal
  • OS is Mac OS X 10.9.2
  • Safari in Guest User still has the same issue
  • Other software does not have major usage of CPU (i.e. CPU is almost idle)

CPU usage

  • 48,613
  • 43
  • 209
  • 344

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