I am using Cygwin in Console2 with the following PS1

export PS1='\[\e]2;\w\a\e[1;32m\e[40m\n\w\n\d - \@ > \[\e[0;00m\]'

The prompt has the correct text content, but all the colors are ignored.

Tue Mar 18 - 01:14 PM > 

Screenshot showing Console2:

Screenshot showing prompt Console2

When I use mintty, the colours are perfect.

Screenshot showing prompt in mintty

TERM is set the same in both Console2 and mintty:

Tue Mar 18 - 06:29 PM > env | grep TERM
TERMCAP=SC|screen|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
Robert Mark Bram
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1 Answers1


You have not show your screenshots. So I'm not sure what do you meaning.

But I believe it is cygwin feature (bug). It thinks that ANSI is not available in Windows terminal (that is true for Console2, but of course not if you are using ANSICON or ConEmu). That means that cygwin process all ANSI sequences internally (it does not send them to the terminal). So, if any problems happens, that all is cygwin implementation problems.

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