
Given an ArrayList of ArrayList of Bytes like this :

 ArrayList<ArrayList<Byte> > shares = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Byte> >(); 

I want to convert this to an array of String which is defined like this :

String[] binary=new String[shares.size()];

How to do it.Please help

How to do reverse of it also.Means how to convert this string back to arraylist.

  • Check this answer hope it will help you http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9572795/convert-list-to-array-in-java – Sergey Pekar Mar 17 '14 at 10:36
  • Most basic approach would be iterate over outer list and for each outer iteration iterate on the inner list and put it in the array. Time complexity --> **O(N^2)** – Aniket Thakur Mar 17 '14 at 10:37

3 Answers3


Check toArray method of ArrayList Also you can find simmilar question here

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Sergey Pekar
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Iterate over the outer list and convert every entry to a string.


ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(shares.size());
for(ArrayList<Byte> bytes: shares) {

If you want the result as a string array you can do it this way:

String[] result = new String[shares.size()];
for(int i = 0; i < result.length; ++i) {
   ArrayList<Byte> bytes = shares.get(i);
   result[i] = bytes.toString();

If the bytes actually represent a string (you want the characters and not the bytes as numbers printed) then you would have to convert the inner list to an array (see other answers) and instantiate a string with it. If you want the encoding stuff see Java - String getBytes()

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Have a look at this will help-

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    ArrayList<ArrayList<Byte>> shares = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Byte>>(0);
    ArrayList<Byte> b = new ArrayList<Byte>();
    b.add(new Byte("0"));
    b.add(new Byte("1"));


    Byte[] b1 = new Byte[shares.size()];
    b1 = shares.get(0).toArray(b1);

Shekhar Khairnar
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