I have written the code for testing the input string if it satisfies the Non Deterministic finite state machine/automata. The logic seems fine to me but the code crashes because of stackoverflow because the recursive function is not returning.

The reason is dictionary is always returning same result for an input even though for the same input the dictionary has two different outputs.

def hello(curExist, curTemp, string, dict, accept):

    print "curExist: ", curExist, " curTemp: ", curTemp, " Letter: ", string;

    if(string == ""):
            return curExist in accept;

    elif((curTemp,string[0]) in dict):
        curExist = curTemp = dict[(curTemp,string[0])];

        return hello(curExist, curTemp, string[1:], dict, accept);

    elif((curTemp,'') in dict):
        curTemp = dict[(curTemp, '')];

        return hello(curExist, curTemp, string, dict, accept);

    elif((curExist, '') in dict):
        curTemp = dict[(curExist, '')];

        return hello(curExist, curTemp, string, dict, accept);

        return False;

dict={(1,'a'):2, (2,''):6, (6,''):4, (2,''):3, (3,'b'):4, (4,'c'):5};

mString = "ac";

print hello(1,1,mString,dict,accept);

Console Output:

curExist:  1  curTemp:  1  Letter:  ac
curExist:  2  curTemp:  2  Letter:  c
curExist:  2  curTemp:  3  Letter:  c
curExist:  2  curTemp:  3  Letter:  c
curExist:  2  curTemp:  3  Letter:  c // printing this untill crash

How can I solve this problem?

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Umer Farooq
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2 Answers2


Keys in dictionaries need to be unique and immutable (because they're hashed), you can't have 2 identical keys:

>>> foo = { (2, ''): "bar", (2, ''): "zulu" }
>>> foo
{(2, ''): 'zulu'}


  • Your conditions don't need to be wrapped in parenthesis
  • You don't use semi-colons to delimit statement endings, that's what the whitespace is for.
  • Don't name a variable dict. It's the constructor for dictionaries
Ian Clark
  • 8,852
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@IanClark is right, the keys have to be unique. One simple solution will be to turn your dictionary signature to pair -> list. This signature naturally captures Non-Deterministic Automata, (Current State, Symbol) -> (List of Possible Next States). So, your example dict becomes

dictionary={(1,'a'):[2], (2,''):[6, 3], (6,''):[4], (3,'b'):[4], (4,'c'):[5]};

Finally, in your elif branch, loop over all elements in the dictionary entry and recursively call hello. Something like:

elif((curTemp,'') in dict):
    curTempList = dictionary[(curTemp, '')];

    tempBool = False
    for newCurrTemp in currTempList: 
        tempBool = tempBool or hello(curExist, curTemp, string, dictionary, accept);
    return tempBool

Your recursive call returns True or False. THe string is accepted if at least one of those calls is True. Hence the or statement with tempBool.

This approach might still make wasteful recursive calls (Think of calling hello using same inputs but from different branches of if). A better solution would be memoization, e.g. this: What is memoization and how can I use it in Python?

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Sudeep Juvekar
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  • manually grouping the different next states takes away the purpose of my algo. I have already tried the manual grouping method but I wanted to do it without human interventation. – Umer Farooq Mar 08 '14 at 14:37