
I am new to python started few days back. Can anyone help me achieve following objective?

I have two lists -

mylist1 = ["Country", "State", "City", "Name", "Age"]

The another list -

mylist2 = [["India", "Maharashtra", "Mumbai", "Tom", 30],
           ["India", "Maharashtra", "Mumbai", "John", 40],
           ["India", "Maharashtra", "Pune", "Ronny", 25]
           ["India", "Madhya Pradesh", "Indore", "Jade", 35]]

The user will the level of dictionary e.g.

level = 4

So dictionary of depth 3 should be created as given below -

mydict = {"India":{"Maharashtra":{"Mumbai":{"Tom":{"Age":30},"John":{"Age":40}},
                                  "Pune"  :{"Ronny":{"Age":25}},
                   "Madhya Pradesh":{"Indore": {"Jade": {"Age" : 35}}}

There could be some typos in above dictionary. I haven't tried anything to get this working.

Also note that, the above lists can be changed as follow -

mylist1 = ["State", "City", "Name", "Age"]

The another list -

mylist2 = [["Maharashtra", "Mumbai", "Tom", 30],
           ["Maharashtra", "Mumbai", "John", 40],
           ["Maharashtra", "Pune", "Ronny", 25]
           ["Madhya Pradesh", "Indore", "Jade", 35]]

Hence user may provide level = 3 in above case.

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    AFAIK, people usually say `i have tried this to get this working:` but you're the opposite. Why don't you try anything first? You'll get better, too. – aIKid Feb 28 '14 at 07:49
  • I perhaps know how to make it, just haven't tried anything yet ;P – zhangxaochen Feb 28 '14 at 07:58
  • I'm afraid this isn't really a thorough enough explanation of the problem, and there's no code to speak of. – holdenweb Feb 28 '14 at 07:59

1 Answers1


This can be done using Autovivification. This answer provides the code to create nested dictionary using autovivification.

Adapting the code to your case, we can get to the output as:

from pprint import pprint
class AutoVivification(dict):
    """Implementation of perl's autovivification feature."""
    def __getitem__(self, item):
            return dict.__getitem__(self, item)
        except KeyError:
            value = self[item] = type(self)()
            return value

a = AutoVivification()
for entry in mylist2:
    a[entry[0]][entry[1]][entry[2]][entry[3]][mylist1[-1]] = entry[4]

Further, you can change the indices for the entry based on the level parameter.

Hope this helps!

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