I'm trying to document something similar to the following where baz1 and bazzed are properties contained in the bar and bar is a member of Foo

 * @class
function Foo(){
  this.bar = {
      * The baz function
     baz1: function(){},
      * The baz1 function
     bazzed: 'bazzed'

var foo = new Foo();

//call baz and baz1

Right now JSDoc documents Foo and bar, but it misses baz1 and bazzed.

I realize that I could do something like this

 * @class
function Foo(){
   * @property {function} baz - Does baz
   * @proprety {string} baz1 - Stores baz1
  this.bar = {
      * The baz function
     baz1: function(){},
      * The baz1 function
     bazzed: 'bazzed'

but I prefer not to for three reasons:

  1. Some classes have baz2:function(){} through baz10:function(){}
  2. Some baz's have large comment blocks and it doesn't seem to make sense to include in bar's comment block.
  3. In some places the code has foo.bar.baz.buzz() which only compounds reasons 1 and 2.

I know this is a really long question, but I've spent the past 4 hours searching to come up empty.

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1 Answers1


What about listing bar as a child class of Foo?

 * @class
function Foo(){
     * @class
     * @type {{baz1: baz1, bazzed: string}}
    this.bar = {
         * The baz function
        baz1: function(){},
         * The baz1 function
        bazzed: 'bazzed'
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