I would like to change /LogAnalyzer with an external URL like www.google.com:

<definition name="dashboard.LogAnalyzer" extends="base.definition">
    <put name="body" value="/LogAnalyzer" />
    <put name="helplink" value="../APHelp/LogAnalyzer.htm" />
    <put name="path" value="Monitors &gt; Log Analyzer" />

I tried to put the URL in there but I got it appended to web app root which doesn't work.

What is the best solution for this ?


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1 Answers1

  1. If you want to "statically" include the content of an external site in your site, then grab the site content and output it in your page (take a look at this answer for more details);

  2. if instead you want to "encapsulate" another site inside your own site, like having Google's homepage in a tile of yours, sourrounded by your header, your footer and your left bar, then what you need is not a Tile, is an <iframe/>;

    the code of your body Tile:

    <p>This is my body Tile</p>
    <iframe src="https://www.google.com/" style="width:800px; height:600px;" />
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Andrea Ligios
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  • Thanks. But I would opt for second solution. The issue is I have to use tiles. So should I create a jsp to point to ? – Kheiri Mar 04 '14 at 15:53