Is there a way to request larger images from Yelp?

The current response from their server is 100x100px.

Here's a sample: http://s3-media1.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/ehZk1zXTE5xof4d2fcGLeQ/ms.jpg

Thank you.

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  • possible duplicate of [Yelp API ios getting a larger image](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17965691/yelp-api-ios-getting-a-larger-image) – nwellnhof May 05 '15 at 09:04

1 Answers1


I ran into this a little while back.

You can replace the "ms" in .../ms.jpg with "l" for large, "s" for small, and you can use "o" for original, which will return the largest image.

Try the original: http://s3-media1.ak.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/ehZk1zXTE5xof4d2fcGLeQ/o.jpg

Best of luck!

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  • Awesome, thanks for the help. For future readers, there is some additional information on a different answer here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17965691/yelp-api-ios-getting-a-larger-image – Matt Oct 18 '14 at 04:48