The register button for our ASP.net form, which uses the __postback function stopped working on IE 11, from the developer console, it shows:

DOM7011: The code on this page disabled back and forward caching. For more information, see: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=291337.

Does anyone know how to get around with this? What is this caching thing and why does it mess up forms. I seen similar complaints about this from others.

Dale K
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9 Answers9


This issue occurs if the server sends a "Cache-control:no-store" header or sends a "Cache-control:no-cache" header.

John R Perry
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I have seen exactly the same error, also with IE11. In my case the issue occurred when user clicked <button> element, which was inside <form> tags.

The issue was remedied, by placing the <button> outside of <form> tags.

Matilda Smeds
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This error occurred for me when using window.location.reload(). Replacing with window.location = window.location.href solved the problem.

Dale K
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I faced the same issue before. I cleared all the IE caches/browsing history/cookies & re-launch IE. It works after caches removed.

You may have a try. :)

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In my case, this exception was being caused by an unsecure ajax call on an SSL enabled site. Specifically: my url was 'http://...' instead of 'https://...'. I just replaced it with '//...'.

To me, the error was misleading, and hopefully this may help anyone landing here after searching for the same error.

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I run into this when click on a html , it is fixed by adding type = "button" attribute.

Feng Zhang
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I got the same console warning, when an ajax request was firing, so my form was also not working properly.

I disabled caching on the server's ajax call with the following response headers:

Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate
Expires: -1
Pragma: no-cache

After this, the form was working. Refer to the server language (c#, php, java etc) you are using on how to add these response headers.

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I had a similar problem on Internet Explorer, and got the same error number. The culprit was an HTML comment. I know it sounds unbelievable, so here is the story.

I saw a series of 6 articles on the Internet. I liked them, so I decided to download the 6 Web-Pages and store them on my Hard Drive. At the top of each page, was a couple of HTML <a> Tags, that would allow you to go to the next article or the previous article. So I changed the href attribute to point to the next folder on my Hard Drive, instead of the next URL on the Internet.

After all of the links had been re-directed, the Browser refused to display any of the Web-Pages when I clicked on the Links. The message in the Console was the Error Number that was mentioned at the top of this page.

However, the real problem was a Comment. Whenever you download a Web-Page using Google Chrome, the Chrome Browser inserts a Comment at the very top of the page that includes the URL of the location that you got the Web-Page from. After I removed the Comment at the top of each one of the 6 Pages, all of the Links worked fine ( although I continued to get the same Error Message in the Console. )

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Go to

Tools > Compatibility View settings > Uncheck the option "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View".

Click on Close. It may re-launch the page and then your problem would be resolved.

Wanna Coffee
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