I'm trying to animate buttons with fade in animation using AnimatorSet

Button fades in > Click button > Remaining buttons fade out

So in order to do this, I want to set the onClickListner after the animation is completed, but that doesn't seem to work. Clicking a button in the middle of the animation triggers the onClick action:

setQuestion = new AnimatorSet();           

This is the method that checks if the animation has finished.

private void checkAnimation() {
    while (true) {
        // Check if animation has ended
        if (setQuestion.isRunning() == false) {
Carlos Robles
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  • Here is how you can add an AnimatorListner: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7274001/how-do-i-do-something-when-an-animation-finishes – Zen Feb 18 '14 at 12:55

3 Answers3


You can set an AnimatorListener on fadeinAnimation5. This will give you an onAnimationEnd callback.

fadeinAnimation5.addListener(new AnimatorListener() {

            public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {
                // ...

            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
                // ...

            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                // ...

            public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {
                // ...

Or, as suggested by slott use an AnimatorListenerAdapter

fadeinAnimation5.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
        // ...
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Rab Ross
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    If you do not need all the events you could go for AnimatorListenerAdapter which keeps things a bit more simple. – slott Sep 18 '16 at 09:53
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    A note of warning I fell for. The onAnimationEnd callback is called both if the animation finished OR was cancelled. To get notified only when the animation finished, use withEndAction(Runnable ) instead. – Henrik Gyllensvärd Jul 18 '17 at 12:04

I was having a similar problem and here is how I solved it:

private void crossFadeAnimation(final View fadeInTarget, final View fadeOutTarget, long duration){
    AnimatorSet mAnimationSet = new AnimatorSet();
    ObjectAnimator fadeOut = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(fadeOutTarget, View.ALPHA,  1f, 0f);
    fadeOut.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
        public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {

        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {

        public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {

        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {
    fadeOut.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());

    ObjectAnimator fadeIn = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(fadeInTarget, View.ALPHA, 0f, 1f);
    fadeIn.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
        public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) {

        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {}

        public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) {}

        public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation) {}
    fadeIn.setInterpolator(new LinearInterpolator());
    mAnimationSet.playTogether(fadeOut, fadeIn);

You can actually set a listener to the AnimatorSet directly since AnimatorSet inherits from Animator. Here's some code:

import android.animation.Animator;

        AnimatorSet setQuestion = new AnimatorSet();
        setQuestion.addListener(new Animator.AnimatorListener() {
            public void onAnimationStart(Animator animator) {


            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) {
            // !! turn on your onClickListener here !!

            public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animator) {


            public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animator) {

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