I'm looking for a class or a library or anything that will allow me to get the current download speed, I've tried a lot of code from the net including FreeMeter but can't get it to work.

Can some provide any sort of code just to give this simple functionality.

Thanks a lot

Sandeep Bansal
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  • What are you trying to achieve? Measure the speed of the pipe as a whole, or are you trying to get the speed of a download you are performing? – Matthew Scharley Feb 01 '10 at 21:20
  • I'm basically trying to get the usage of the network on the system, if it is idle or if there is any downloads going on etc. just usage statistics. – Sandeep Bansal Feb 03 '10 at 23:15

2 Answers2


If you want Current Download and Upload Speed, here is how :

Make a timer of interval 1 second, if you want it to update at that interval, your choice. On the timers tick, add this code :

using System.Net.NetworkInformation;

int previousbytessend = 0;
int previousbytesreceived = 0;
int downloadspeed;
int uploadspeed;
IPv4InterfaceStatistics interfaceStats;
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        //Must Initialize it each second to update values;
        interfaceStats = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()[0].GetIPv4Statistics();

        //SPEED = MAGNITUDE / TIME ; HERE, TIME = 1 second Hence :
        uploadspeed = (interfaceStats.BytesSent - previousbytessend) / 1024; //In KB/s
        downloadspeed = (interfaceStats.BytesReceived - previousbytesreceived) / 1024;

        previousbytessend= NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()[0].GetIPv4Statistics().BytesSent;
        previousbytesreceived= NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()[0].GetIPv4Statistics().BytesReceived;

        downloadspeedlabel.Text = Math.Round(downloadspeed, 2) + " KB/s"; //Rounding to 2 decimal places
        uploadspeedlabel.Text = Math.Round(uploadspeed, 2) + "KB/s";

I guess that solves it. If you have different time interval for the timer, just divide the time you gave with the MAGNITUDE we have given.

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I'm guessing you want kb/sec. That is determined by taking kbreceived and dividing it by the current seconds minus the starting seconds. I'm not sure how to do the DateTime for this in C#, but in VC++ it would be like so:

COleDateTimeSpan dlElapsed = COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime()
                           - dlStart;
secs = dlElapsed.GetTotalSeconds();

You then divide:

double kbsec = kbreceived / secs;

To get kbreceived, you need to take the currentBytes read, add in bytes already read, then divide by 1024.


   // chunk size 512.. could be higher up to you

   while (int bytesread = file->Read(charBuf, 512))
        currentbytes = currentbytes + bytesread;
        // Set progress position by setting pos to currentbytes

   int percent = currentbytes * 100 / x ( our file size integer
                               from above);
   int kbreceived = currentbytes / 1024;

Minus some implementation specific functions, the basic concept is the same regardless of language.