I have a <f:selectItems> as follows:

<p:selectOneMenu id="anios">
    <f:selectItems value="#{pruebaCalendarBean.anios}" var="anio" itemLabel="#{anio}" itemValue="#{anio}"  />

anios is defined as:

String[] anios = new String[]{"2014","2015","2016","2017"};

The value selected is 2014, but I want that is 2016. How to do this? I'm using Primefaces.

Luiggi Mendoza
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1 Answers1


You must include the attribute "value" in the element "selectOneMenu". Something like that:

<p:selectOneMenu id="anios" value="#{pruebaCalendarBean.anioSeleccionado}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{pruebaCalendarBean.anios}" var="anio" itemLabel="#{anio}"       itemValue="#{anio}"  />

Then in your bean (pruebaCalendarBean) you must define a new attribute, in this case "anioSeleccionado" that represents the selected value in the dropdown

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