I am new to this technology. I have a text file called condition.txt which looks like this

server_state running

health_state ok

heappercent 20%

hoggingthreadcount 10

stuckthreadcount 1

I have a java file, here I want to read those data from the file and want to access those values. like in my java file I have a String variable called server_state. I want to put the value "running" in my String variable. How?

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3 Answers3


It sounds like you want to read from a file? The Scanner class is very good for that.

You will have to format your text document in a different way, which means if you are programmatically writing the file, you need to split the 2 variables somehow. In my opinion, a comma (,) or a colon (:) are the easiest things to choose.

  • server_state:running
  • health_state:ok
  • heappercent:0.2 // Percentages will use floats/decimals
  • hoggingthreadcount:10
  • stuckthreadcount:1

    public void getProps() {
      String[] cur = new String[2];
      Scanner scanner = new Scanner("C:\Path/To/Your/File.txt");
      while(scanner.hasNextLine()) {
        cur = scanner.nextLine().split(":"); // a colon is simpler.
        if(cur[0].equalsIgnoreCase("server_state")) {
          server_state = cur[1];
        if(cur[0].equalsIgnoreCase("health_state")) {
          health_state = cur[1];
        if(cur[0].equalsIgnoreCase("heappercent")) {
          heappercent = Double.parseDouble(cur[1]);
        if(cur[0].equalsIgnoreCase("hoggingthreadcount")) {
          hoggingthreadcount = Integer.parseInt(cur[1]);
        if(cur[0].equalsIgnoreCase("stuckthreadcount")) {
          stuckthreadcount = Integer.parseInt(cur[1]);

I hope this solves your problem!


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i did something similar but to read sting and integer from CSV file, the concept exactly the same

public static Countries[] readObjects() throws IOException

    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("d:\\countries.txt"));
    String line = "";

    Countries[] countriesArray = new Countries[32]; 

    int arrayIndex = 0;

     * Read File line by line and parse every line to Countries object and insert it into the array
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { 
         * Create Country object from the line
        Countries country = createCountryObect(line);

        countriesArray[arrayIndex] = country;



    return countriesArray;

 * Read string and parse it into an object
 * @param line from the file 
 * @return Countries Object
public static Countries createCountryObect(String line)
    Countries country = new Countries();

    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line," ");

        country.countryName = st.nextElement().toString();

        //convert country population from string to integer 
        country.countryPopulation = Integer.parseInt(st.nextElement().toString());

    return country;

and the countries class

public class Countries {

    public String countryName;
    public int countryPopulation;

Saddam Abu Ghaida
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Here is a similar program I needed to write for work:

public class LogReader {

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException 

public static void mapper(String id) throws IOException
    String sepText = "";
    FileWriter fileWriter;
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File("Work.txt")));
    String line = "";
    while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) 
       sepText += line.substring(0, 23) + "\n";

       int startAttIdMarker = line.indexOf(id);
       int midAttIdMarker = line.indexOf('"', startAttIdMarker + 1);
       int endAttIdMarker = line.indexOf('"', midAttIdMarker + 1 );
       sepText += "attributeSetId = " + line.substring(midAttIdMarker + 1 , endAttIdMarker) + "\n" + "\n";
       sepText += "********************************************" + "\n";

    File newTextFile = new File("worker.txt");
    fileWriter = new FileWriter(newTextFile);

You feed a string to the function mapper and it searches for all lines with that string. It then writes those lines to a string which is in turn written to a file of it's own.

Best thing to do is play around with some sample code like this and see what happens.

Warren Reilly
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