I’m planning to do some data analysis with R; the datasets are stored in PostgreSQL tables and some of them contain up to 2 million records. I thought this would not be a big problem for R and loading of the records would be rather quick, but the things turned out differently.

Doing something like this may take a minute or more, which is not what I was expecting:


drv <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL")
con <- dbConnect(drv, dbname = "mydb", user="me", password="my_password");

records <- dbGetQuery(con, statement = paste(
  "SELECT *",
  "FROM my_table",
  "ORDER BY id")); # 1.5M records

Alternative code is even slower:

records2 <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from my_table ORDER BY id")

I can’t say my hardware is the most advanced in the world, but it’s a rather decent MacBook Pro with 8G RAM and SSD. When I fetch the same data with, let’s say, QGIS, things are done significantly faster.

What can one do to increase performance in such case? Alternative libraries? Tricks and hacks? Anything else?

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Alexander Kachkaev
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  • Hmm, I've just tested this code on table with 1M records. It's as fast as typical query. What kind of data are you using? Also, show `sessionInfo()` output, please. – redmode Feb 04 '14 at 17:08
  • @redmode, what kind of R environment are you using (if that matters)? What’s ‘as fast as typical query’ means in your case? – Alexander Kachkaev Feb 04 '14 at 19:32
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    Do you mean IDE? I'm using RStudio. Query for 1M records took ~2secs, roughly the same timing when run from pgadmin3. – redmode Feb 04 '14 at 19:59
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    Also, it can be a good idea to work with PostgreSQL without fitting all data in memory. For instance, using wonderful `dplyr` package. See `dplyr::databases` vignette for details. – redmode Feb 04 '14 at 21:03
  • You could try to use `copy` postgresql command to offload your data to CSV or TSV and process it in your `r` code – Konstantin V. Salikhov May 12 '14 at 18:41

2 Answers2


You should exclude ORDER BY - this is not part of loading data. It may significantly slows your query.
You can order data afterwards having them in R memory. If you are looking for fast ordering check this SO answer.

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More of a redesign than answer to the question, but...

You could always plug R directly into PostgreSQL, and run your query without moving the data anywhere. Can't move it any faster than not moving it at all :)

PL/R for PostgreSQL

Kirk Roybal
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