I have an image folder in my project solution. I capture the image for a customer and i keep it in it. After i fill the details I redirect to another aspx page and i take the pic and come back to registration page and map the image to an image button i am using session variable to map the image path which is in the image folder. My problem is I get the same image even if i take a new pic. I am keeping jus one pic at a time in the image folder why do i get the previous image which is not in the image folder. Am i not supposed to get the new pic which i have taken? Please elaborate more on this and provide me a solution..I would be grateful to you..

2 Answers2


There could be browser caching at play. One way to get around it is to add a random querystring param to the image url (a timestamp etc) to make the image url unique.

<img src="someImage.png?someParam=1234" />
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You cannot delete browsers cache programmatically however below code will help you for disabling caching and clears existing cache from your application... Caching is your problem as you explained in question.

public static void DisablePageCaching()
    //Used for disabling page caching
Talha Hanjra
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