I am working on a Phonegap application in which I am trying to display a varying amount of images to the user. My GUI follows the principles found in this article.

I know how many images I will be getting before I make my ajax GET request, so I add the correct amount of images that display a loading gif to the relevant div using jQuery's append method. I then begin my ajax request.

In my success callback I have the following method

    changeImage(i, entry, i*1000);

the changeImage() function is as follows:

function changeImage(index, src, timeout)
        $("#image"+index).attr("src", 'data:image/png;base64,'+src);

Without using the setTimeout() I have observed the app to hang while it renders the images. So this works just fine, as it apparently gives the browser enough time to render the image.

I was wondering if there was a better way than waiting a fixed interval of time to load the next image. I looked into onLoad() but that seems to fire when I originally create the image tag that displays the loading gif. Is there any way to tell when the image is done rendering?

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  • As per this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/910727/jquery-event-for-images-loaded you should use this: https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded – datashaman Jan 28 '14 at 16:15

4 Answers4


You can use the 'Image' class in Javascript. You do this by creating a new instance of the Image class and add an 'onload' event (which is dispatched when the image is loaded correctly).

Sample code:

function changeImage(index, src, timeout)
        $("#image"+index).attr("src", 'data:image/png;base64,'+src);

        var img = new Image();

        img.src = 'data:image/png;base64,'+src;
        img.onload = function() {
            alert("Image loaded!");
    }, timeout);
Dillen Meijboom
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I recently researched on this subject and found some solutions, was it on SO or blog posts. I ended up trying the solution from Paul Irish , which seemed to be the ultimate working solution. Unfortuntely, I never got it to work properly on all browsers, so I just left this idea aside and will check periodically if anything exists that works in all cases...

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Laurent S.
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You can use imagesloaded (https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded)

Using imagesLoaded you can set an event handler to know when an image is loaded.

var imgLoad = imagesLoaded("images_selector");
function onAlways( instance ) {
  console.log('all images are loaded');
imgLoad.on( 'always', onAlways );
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Here is what I ended up doing:

Instead of creating a placeholder loading image for each image I am expecting, I create a single loading image, and then perform my ajax GET. In my success callback, I save each of the images into an array (in my case the 'images' are base64 encoded). Once I have them all in an array, I manually call the method loadNextImage(i) which will create a new image that has the onLoad property onLoad="loadNextImage(i++)". This seems to have the desired effect of loading each image sequentially and doesn't slow down too bad.

For anybody interested here is my new success callback:

    images[i] = entry;
    currentimagesdisplayed = i;

and here is the loadNextImage() function:

function loadNextImage(i)
    var id = 'image'+i;
    var src = 'data:image/png;base64,'+images[i];
    var onload = 'loadNextImage(' + i + ')';
        $('#TownClerkPortalResultsImages').prepend('<img height="50%" width="100%" id ="' + id + '" src ="' + src + '" onLoad="' + onload + '"  />');

I will mess around with some css to see if I can't make it look fancy and have them fade in or something. If this still is unsatisfactory I will look into the other answers.

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