I have a short script that calculates a number by multiplying input values. That script works fine but now I want to add if statements. For example:


<label>Width</label><input type="text" id="width" />
<label>Length</label><input type="text" id="length" />
<label>Total</label><input type="text" id="total"/>


var w = $('#width').val();
var l = $('#length').val();
var total1 = 2;
var total2 = 3;    
if((w * l) > 5){
    total = total1 * (w + l);
if((w * l) < 5){
    totalnew = total2 * (w + l);

So if (#width x #length) > 5, the value of (#width x #length) would be multiplied by a certain number, in this case "2".

Tried to figure it out on jsfiddle.

Here is the code that works without the if statements: http://jsfiddle.net/e45SJ/

How can I implement what I am looking to achieve with the if statements with the code I already have?

EDIT: How can I add more than one if statement? I tried this: http://jsfiddle.net/m2LxV/2/

Josan Iracheta
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    What are you trying to accomplish with this: `parseInt($('#total').val('total'));` as it makes no sense to me. – jfriend00 Jan 23 '14 at 03:06

2 Answers2


There are multiple problems

  1. You need to do the calculation in a change handler which will get called when length/height is changed
  2. You are doing a string concatenation when you do w + l because both w and l are string values
  3. l + w is 5 then none of your if conditions are satisfied.
  4. parseInt($('#total').val('total')) just assigns the value total to the element and the parseInt does not make any sense

You need to use a change handler

jQuery(function () {
    var total1 = 2;
    var total2 = 3;

    $('#width, #length').change(function () {
        var w = +$('#width').val();
        var l = +$('#length').val();
        var total;
        if ((w * l) > 5) {
            total = total1 * (w + l);
        } else {
            total = total2 * (w + l);

Demo: Fiddle

Arun P Johny
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  • Does the + cast it as an integer? – Bic Jan 23 '14 at 03:05
  • @Bic yes... instead of `parseInt()` – Arun P Johny Jan 23 '14 at 03:06
  • Neat. That is something I didn't know. Thanks :) – Bic Jan 23 '14 at 03:06
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    Why use + instead of parseInt? – cgatian Jan 23 '14 at 03:08
  • @cgatian there is not much difference between those 2 if the expected values are valid see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4090518/string-to-int-use-parseint-or-number , http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17106681/parseint-vs-unary-plus-when-to-use-which and http://jsperf.com/parseint-vs-unary-operator - for me it is less typing here – Arun P Johny Jan 23 '14 at 03:14
  • But it adds more ambiguity to the code. IMO typing a few extra characters is worth the readability boost. I've used the binary addition operator "|" to perform what Math.floor() does, and always leave comments. FYI the pipe performs better than Math.floor() – cgatian Jan 23 '14 at 03:17
  • How can I add more than one if statement to the code? I tried this: http://jsfiddle.net/m2LxV/2/ – Josan Iracheta Jan 24 '14 at 07:18

Since the question asked to use your code to make the modification thats what I did. Not much has changed here and I commented any parts that might seem difficult.

function calculate()
    //Parse the string value into an integer
    var w = parseInt($('#width').val());
    var l = parseInt($('#length').val());
    var total1 = 2;
    var total2 = 3;

    //Perform IF
    //suggestion to use an If {} Else
    if((w * l) > 5)
        //Set an internal value of total
        var total = total1 * (w + l);
        //Update the label's value to total
    if((w * l) < 5)
        //Same logic as above
        var total = total2 * (w + l);

//Simple button event for testing


Some things to keep in mind

  • This is a great case to use an IF ELSE logic block
  • $('#total').val('total') translates to > Select the input element and set its value the string string value of "total"
  • parseInt() will convert the string value to integer. So even though you selected the value from width and length its of type string. so performing (w + l) will actually result in combining the two strings together, not adding numbers.
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  • I want to implement more than one if statement without an else. How would I go about doing that? Also, how can I do it without the calculate button? I tried this: http://jsfiddle.net/m2LxV/2/ – Josan Iracheta Jan 24 '14 at 07:20
  • use an IF{} ELSE IF{} ELSE IF{} Or perhaps a switch statement. http://jsfiddle.net/re6cg/ – cgatian Jan 24 '14 at 13:28