I am working on tutorial app and I have more than 15 images in my app. When I use .png format images all images take too much size. And I check the difference in .jpg and .png. If I take same image with dimensions 320*480 .jpg image take 18 kb but .png take 60 kb size. So what type of images do I have to use? And if .png is preferable then how to decrease size of each image without affecting resolution?

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1 Answers1


So what type of images do I have to use?

For any picture that is part of your user interface (i.e icons, logos, placeholders), use PNG. It's not even about transparency, it's about pixel perfect design.

And if .png preferable than how to decrease size of each image without affecting resolution?

There are many PNG compressors out there. Here are a couple of easy web-based ones.

You can also get PNGcrush as a standalone executable which lets you tweak compression options, and integrate it into your build system.

Related Info: Why PNGs are bigger than they should be

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  • one more little question I want to use one image as background that cover whole screen and i want its fit on all screen sizes. what dimension image i have to take? – John R Jan 13 '14 at 06:04
  • @JohnR *it depends*, both on the target platforms, and on the image. [Screen Sizes and Densities](http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html) charts will help you target devices, [Screen Support docs](http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html) should help you pick resolutions. If your image is detailed, you'll want high res imagery. If your image is blurred or a gradient, or made of simple shapes, you could get away with 1:2 pixel ratio on high resolution screens. Be aware that you can specify *multiple images* for different *sizes and densities*. – Thomas Jan 14 '14 at 01:08