Is there any way that as soon as a user fills out a PHP form and hit's submit, the required query is executed and shown below and doesn't reload the page. (For example when user fills out a comments form and hits comment, it would show the comment immediately like facebook chat.)

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  • this is what AJAX does or you can use jquery also for the same. – R R Jan 04 '14 at 11:46
  • Is there any way to give me some code on how to do it? Sorry I am totally a fail in JavaScript and jQuery, I am mostly a Back-end developer. – user3152750 Jan 04 '14 at 11:47
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1960240/jquery-ajax-submit-form look up here – Trouble Jan 04 '14 at 11:48
  • @user3152750 go though the link trouble provided also search in google you will find plenty of solutions. – R R Jan 04 '14 at 11:49
  • I've looked up all over stackoverflow and nothing provides a full helpful source code. I checked but it was not helpful, it doesn't provide any HTML for me to process after submit. – user3152750 Jan 04 '14 at 11:50
  • http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17449120/passing-user-input-data-from-html-to-php-page-and-showing-the-content-back-to-ht – Shina Jan 04 '14 at 12:02
  • http://www.akshitsethi.me/facebook-like-comments-system-using-php-jquery-and-ajax/ – StudioTime Jan 04 '14 at 13:04

2 Answers2


I recommend using ajax/javascript and jquery. This is the way to do what you seek. Its not possible with only serverside coding. Jquery is easy and well documented.

Introduction to ajax and jquery: http://www.w3schools.com/jquery/jquery_ajax_intro.asp

Jquery: jquery.com

Jquery ajax: http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/

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Here's HTML Code

<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>
    <div id="container" style="min-height:100px;background:ccc">
   <form action="#" method="post">
   <textarea id="textArea" onkeydown="displayResult(event)"></textarea>
  function sendData()
             type: "POST",
             url: 'rest.php',
             success: function (data)

function displayResult(e) 
    var keycode;
    if (window.event) keycode = window.event.keyCode;
    else if (e) keycode = e.which;
    if(e && e.keyCode == 13)


Here's PHP Side Code

$x=mysql_query("insert into test(data) values('$a')");
echo $a;