In certain circumstances, having more than one self-invoking function in a single JavaScript file provokes an error. Getting the second function to return a value averts the error.

I have a barebones HTML file...

<script src="two.js"></script>
<script src="one.js"></script>

... using these scripts:

// two.js
(function () {

(function () {


// one.js
(function () {

When I open the file in Chrome, I get this output:

1/2 two.js:2
Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function two.js:6

Other browsers complain in their own way. In other words, having two self-invoking functions in the same script causes a problem. Having one self-invoking function per script works fine. If I comment out the second function script two.js, there is no problem.

However, if I get the second function to return a value, then there is no problem either. Everything works fine if I change two.js to this:

(function () {

foo = (function () {
  return 'bar'

Why does the first version fail and the second succeed?

Jonathan Leffler
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James Newton
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2 Answers2


You forgot the semicolons:

(function () {

(function () {

Otherwise the returned value of the previous expression (undefined) tries to execute the next expression. Obviously undefined is not a function.

In the semicolonless JavaScript world, you'll often see the semicolon preceding any raw expression, such as ():


JavaScript will attempt to fill in the semicolons you "forgot" but those expressions are ambiguous so you need to add it.

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You're missing semicolons at the end of your function expressions, so the proceeding parenthetical expression is parsed as a call to the function. Since the function doesn't return a value (return value is implicitly undefined), the code is functionally equivalent to undefined() - hence the error.

Moral of the story - Don't forget your semicolons!

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  • Well now... This is the very first time that I have encountered a real need for semicolons. You are absolutely right: adding a single semicolon in the right place solves the issue. – James Newton Dec 19 '13 at 01:04
  • @JamesNewton There are other situations in which semicolons are required for the code to work correctly. As a good rule of thumb it is always best to use semicolons just in case. – 0x499602D2 Dec 19 '13 at 01:05