
I am in the process of trying to rewrite my website, and I have limited experience in HTML/CSS/Javascript. It is a photography website using galleries. I am wanting to make the default view to be using Flash, but I know that iPad/iPhone etc do not support Flash. I am looking for a way to determine what the OS is so I can direct the iWhatevers (and others if there are any), to a purely HTML site, and the non-iWhatevers to the Flash site. I presume it would be done in the Heading part of the HTML, but what script would I use to do this? Thank you in advance...

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    Purely a suggestion, but why maintain two versions? If you want to support everyone, just develop a non-flash site that works for everyone. – Donovan Dec 16 '13 at 22:24
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    Given the future of Flash and the rise of HTML5 you might do better to implement an HTML5 solution and fall back to Flash for the older browsers. –  Dec 16 '13 at 22:25
  • ... and if you need to test for Flash, detect it directly, not the operating system. [Cross Browser Flash Detection in Javascript](http://stackoverflow.com/q/159261) – Pekka Dec 18 '13 at 05:43

1 Answers1


That sounds like a lot of extra work to create to maintain a Flash and a regular HTML site when a properly done HTML5 site can kill all the browsers with one stone. Consider a CMS like WordPress if you are not comfortable with a lot of coding.

However, if you want to go the route you mentioned, this thread will show you how: Detect if device is iOS

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