In Qt, I can get the selected text of a QComboBox by using the combobox->currentText() method. How can I get the selected value?

I searched for help but I couldn't find a method currentData() which I expected to find. I could only find combobox->currentIndex()

Is there a smarter way to do it other than combobox->itemData(combobox->currentIndex())?

Update: This is no longer necessary as of Qt 5. A currentData() method has been added http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcombobox.html#currentData-prop

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13 Answers13


It seems you need to do combobox->itemData(combobox->currentIndex()) if you want to get the current data of the QComboBox.

If you are using your own class derived from QComboBox, you can add a currentData() function.

Patrice Bernassola
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    Thanks. I just used this tip in my program. – Brian Stinar Oct 08 '10 at 20:06
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    @Patrice Bernassola However the switch operation of type 'QVariant' :`combobox->itemData(combobox->currentIndex())` is illegal !!! Why ? – The Beast Jan 23 '16 at 01:49
  • This doesn't work if nothing is selected i.e. `currentIndex = -1`. It will either return the data from the last index or raise an error if the QComboBox is empty. – johnson Jan 09 '18 at 15:10

This one can get the text of current index:

QString cb = cbChoice ->currentText();
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you can set QVariant data for all items, then you can get the value when you need it.

there is an example code for this situation:

ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("128 m", QVariant(128));
ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("256 m", QVariant(256));
ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("512 m", QVariant(512));
ui.comboBoxSheetSize->addItem("1024 m", QVariant(1024));


void Page::onComboSheetSizeChanged( int index )
 int value = ui.comboBoxSheetSize->itemData(index).toInt();

by the way, i think i misunderstood your question. i think the way you get data is smart enough?

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The member function QComboBox::currentData has been added since this question was asked, see this commit

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  • For documentation see: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcombobox.html#currentData-prop. The property is available since Qt 5.2. – m4tx Jan 03 '16 at 17:17

I had same issue

I have solved by

value = self.comboBox.currentText()
print value
jatinkumar patel
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This is my OK code in QT 4.7:

 //add combobox list 
    QString val;
    val = "http://www.work4blue.com";
    ui->startPage->addItem(tr("Navigation page"),QVariant::fromValue(val));
    val = "https://www.google.com";
    val = "www.twitter.com";
    val = "https://www.youtube.com";

   // get current value
    qDebug() << "current value"<< 
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I'm astonished that there isn't an activated signal and have the same problem. I solved it by making a subclass of QComboBox. I think it's better to avoid having to directly access the object and call its functions because that means more tight coupling and goes against Qt's philosophy. So here's the class I made that works for me.

class SmartComboBox : public QComboBox {


private slots:

    void triggerVariantActivated(int index);


    SmartComboBox(QWidget *parent);


    void activated(const QVariant &);


And the implementation

void SmartComboBox::triggerVariantActivated(int index)

SmartComboBox::SmartComboBox(QWidget *parent)
    connect(this, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(triggerVariantActivated(int)));
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I did this

QDir path("/home/user/");
QStringList _dirs = path.entryList(QDir::Dirs);
std::cout << "_dirs_count = " << _dirs.count() << std::endl;

You will see with this that the QStringList named _dirs is structured like an array whose members you can access via an index up to the value returned by _dirs.count()

E Purdy
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The question is old, but maybe, somebody need an actual answer.

In the QGIS 3.4 you can get the value from the QComboBox with the method currentData().

Example: comboBox.currentData()

Link: https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qcombobox.html#currentData-prop

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I had the issue and

QString str = m_UI->myComboBox->currentText();

solved this.

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if you are developing QGIS plugins then simply

Abhijit Gujar
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  • Nope, this is as well not *selected `VALUE`*. Selected *`TEXT`*, selected *`VALUE`* and selected *`INDEX`* are completely different things. Only in a coincidence may `index` be equal to `value`. If people want to use combo, they need to learn and understand the difference. And to my best understanding, in Qt the VALUE is a bit extended when using data models. – Oak_3260548 Dec 30 '20 at 08:13

I know I'm very late but for those who still have that problem, it can be solved easily. I use Qt 5.3 and it works fine. No need to create a function or all that.

int valueComboBox;
valueComboBox = comboBox->currentIndex();

and it works ! Hope it helps !


I confirm the easiest way is to do this:

uiAnalyseAssets::AnalyseAssets(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)


void mainFunction::yourFunction( int index )
 int value = ui.comboBox->currentText();
Brad Mace
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    Wait a second -- doesn't `QComboBox::currentText()` return a `QString`? How do you arrive at a sensible `int`? And what do you want to do with your parameter `int index`? – Christian Severin May 03 '11 at 12:07