Sorry if this question is not suited for SO.

I have a C++ function that approximately looks like MyFun() given below.

From this function I am calling some(say around 30) other functions that returns a boolean variable (true means success and false means failure). If any of these functions returns false, I have to return false from MyFun() too. Also, I am not supposed to exit immediately (without calling the remaining functions) if an intermediate function call fails.

Currently I am doing this as given below, but feel like there could be a more neat/concise way to handle this. Any suggestion is appreciated.

Many Thanks.

bool MyFun() // fn that returns false on failure
    bool Result = true;

    if (false == AnotherFn1()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
        Result = false;

    if (false == AnotherFn2()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
        Result = false;

     // Repeat this a number of times.

    if (false == Result)
         cout << "Some function call failed";

    return Result;
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6 Answers6


I would replace each if statement with a more coincise bitwise AND assignment:

bool MyFun() // fn that returns false on failure
    bool Result = true;

    Result &= AnotherFn1(); // Another fn that returns false on failure

    Result &= AnotherFn2(); // Another fn that returns false on failure

     // Repeat this a number of times.
    if (false == Result)
       cout << "Some function call failed";

    return Result;
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  • I was looking for some thing like this. This will help to reduce the lines of code. Thanks. – NeonGlow Dec 10 '13 at 12:14
  • @HAL9000 - Better use &&= not &=. Please update the answer – egur Dec 10 '13 at 12:19
  • @egur: I totally agree with you! I will edit my answer, thanks. – HAL9000 Dec 10 '13 at 12:21
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    @egur: By looking here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2488406/why-doesnt-c-have-or-for-booleans I change my mind and I leave my original answer. – HAL9000 Dec 10 '13 at 12:22
  • @phresnel In this case the only difference between bitwise and logical `and` is that the latter does short-circuit evaluation while the former does not. In this respect, the intent is expressed quite clearly. Could you elaborate your concerns regarding maintainability? – ComicSansMS Dec 10 '13 at 12:43
  • @HAL9000 - what you did is perfectly legal and not buggy. Just using bitwise ops instead of logical. – egur Dec 10 '13 at 12:47
  • @egur: I tried compiling a&&=b; with g++ and I get this compilation error: prova.cpp:8:5: error: expected primary-expression before ‘=’ token Then, are you sure that &&= actually exists? – HAL9000 Dec 10 '13 at 12:53
  • Would be nice if you could point out the bits you've changed and explain why you changed them. – Lightness Races in Orbit Dec 10 '13 at 13:07
  • @LightnessRacesinOrbit I changed nothing. egur suggested to use &&= instead of &=, and initially I was agreeing with him. But after some research and after getting an error when trying to compiling his suggestion, I decided to leave my answer unchanged. – HAL9000 Dec 10 '13 at 13:10
  • @HAL9000: No, I mean, what you changed from the code in the question. To save me having to scroll up and down to try to spot the differences. – Lightness Races in Orbit Dec 10 '13 at 13:11
  • @LightnessRacesinOrbit I replaced each if statement with a simpler bitwise assignment. – HAL9000 Dec 10 '13 at 13:14
  • @HAL9000: Yes, I figured that out, but I'm asking you to include that detail in your answer so that the OP and other readers don't have to perform line-by-line diffing in their head. – Lightness Races in Orbit Dec 10 '13 at 13:18
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    I think this answer is perfect and using bitwise & makes more sense, especially if the OP prefers to consolidate all the &= statements into something like `Result &= AnotherFn1() & AnotherFn2() & AnotherFn3();` – galdin Dec 10 '13 at 13:26
  • `*=` would also work. ;) – Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Dec 10 '13 at 13:58

Use something like a std::vector of std::function. It is a lot more maintenable.

Example: http://ideone.com/0voxRl

// List all the function you want to evaluate
std::vector<std::function<bool()>> functions = {

// Evaluate all the function returning the number of function that did fail.
unsigned long failure =
    std::count_if(functions.begin(), functions.end(),
        [](const std::function<bool()>& function) { return !function(); });

If you want to stop when a function fail, you just have to use std::all_of instead of std::count_if. You dissociate the control flow from the function list and that is, in my opinion, a good thing.

You can improve this by using a map of function with name as key that will allows you to output which function failed:

std::map<std::string, std::function<bool()>> function_map;
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  • Very nice way. I didn't know that this was possible. So I can abandon my ugly func. pointers. – magu_ Dec 10 '13 at 13:02
  • This is what I would have recommended. I hope this gets picked as the correct answer. It would be interesting if a solution with foldLeft exists for C++. I don't know if accumulate can be used. – North Dec 10 '13 at 13:57
  • @RobertBiter Something like `std::accumulate(functions.begin(), functions.end(), [](const std::function& function, bool value) { return function() && value; }, true);` can be used but it does not make the code clearer. – Johan Dec 10 '13 at 14:03
bool MyFun() // fn that returns false on failure
    bool Result = true;

    // if need to call every function, despite of the Result of the previous
    Result = AnotherFn1() && Result;
    Result = AnotherFn2() && Result;

    // if need to avoid calling any other function after some failure
    Result = Result && AnotherFn1();
    Result = Result && AnotherFn2();

    return Result;
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Instead of

if (false == AnotherFn1()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

if (false == AnotherFn2()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

if (false == AnotherFn3()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

begin to use booleans as what they are, truth values:

if (!AnotherFn1()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

if (!AnotherFn2()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

if (!AnotherFn3()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

Then, all those conditions have the same code; they are basically part of one big condition:

if ( !AnotherFn1()
   | !AnotherFn2()
   | !AnotherFn3())
    Result = false;

For your specific problem, where you want all functions be called, even if you know early you'll return false, it is important to not use the short circuiting operators && and ||. Using the eager bitwise operators | and & is really a hack, because they are bitwise and not boolean (and thus hide intent), but work in your situation iff AnotherFn? return strict bools.

You can negate what you do inside; less negations yield better code:

Result = false;

if ( AnotherFn1()
   & AnotherFn2()
   & AnotherFn3())
    Result = true;

and then you can rid these assignments and instead return straightly:

if ( AnotherFn1()
   & AnotherFn2()
   & AnotherFn3())
    return true;

cout << "something bad happened";
return false;



bool MyFun() // fn that returns false on failure
    bool Result = true;

    if (false == AnotherFn1()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
        Result = false;

    if (false == AnotherFn2()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
        Result = false;

     // Repeat this a number of times.

    if (false == Result)
         cout << "Some function call failed";

    return Result;


bool MyFun() // fn that returns false on failure
    if (AnotherFn1() &
        AnotherFn2() &
        return true;
    cout << "Some function call failed";
    return false;

There are more possible improvements, e.g. using exceptions instead of error codes, but don't be tempted to handle "expections" instead.

Sebastian Mach
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! can be used as a cleaner alternative to false

Like this:

bool MyFun() // fn that returns false on failure
bool Result = true;

if (!AnotherFn1()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

if (!AnotherFn2()) // Another fn that returns false on failure
    Result = false;

 // Repeat this a number of times.

if (!Result)
     cout << "Some function call failed";

return Result;


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how about using exceptions to handle failure:a neat exemple

the main question is, are the function call interdependant or not? can some be skipped if a previous one failed? ...

Julien Lopez
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