This is blowing my mind...

I've got a standalone PHP file, and a simple function with a global var.

    $var = 4;

    function echoVar()
        echo $var; 


When I call echoVar() nothing is returned... However if I place the $var inside the function it will return 4.

What's going on here? Shouldn't $var be global in this case?

Allen S
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  • Take a look at this: http://php.net/manual/en/language.variables.scope.php – Babblo Nov 29 '13 at 13:13
  • You seem to be confusing `PHP` with how scope works in some other languages (js for example). Please [refer to the manual to see how scope works in PHP](http://php.net/manual/en/language.variables.scope.php) – Wrikken Nov 29 '13 at 13:14
  • Try like this: function echoVar() { global $var; echo $var; } – kidz Nov 29 '13 at 13:16

5 Answers5


If a variable is set outside of a function, it's not visible inside that function. To access it, you must declare it global with the global keyword. This is called a scope.


$var = 4;

function echoVar() {
    global $var;

    echo $var;


Note: This is generally considered bad practice. Read this for more information.

A good alternative would be to pass in the variable as an argument:


$var = 4;

function echoVar($var) {
    echo $var;

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Terry Harvey
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  • Thank you this helped me understand it much better. I come from JS world so this seemed very strange indeed! – Allen S Nov 29 '13 at 13:27

Lots of options here... like

    $var = 4;

    function echoVar($var)
        echo $var; 



    $var = 4;

    function echoVar()
        global $var;
        echo $var; 

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  • Thanks.. fixed. As for bad practice, it's just another example on how to accomplish this. The code is there to be used. – superphonic Nov 29 '13 at 13:18

You can either have $var as an argument, like this:

$var = 4;

function echoVar($var)
    echo $var; 


or use global, like this:

$var = 4;

function echoVar()

    global $var;
    echo $var; 

Ana Claudia
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When you call any function it's create local variable so you have to pass argument in calling function part.

    $var = 4;

    function echoVar($var)
        echo $var; 

Martin C
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Just going to clarify since everyone seems to be posting mostly rubbish.

  • Do not use global $var;
  • Do not echo out inside of a function
  • Output from a function does not need to be assigned to a variable before being echo'd

This is how it "should" be done.

    $var = 4;  //set initial input var this is external to the function

    function echoVar($internalvar) {  /*notice were accepting $var as $internalvar I'm doing this to clarify the different variables so you don't end up getting confused with scope  $internalvar is local to the function only and not accessible externally*/
        return $internalvar; //now we pass the function internal var back out to the main code we do this with return you should never echo out your output inside the function

    echo echoVar($var);  //call function and pass $var in as an arguement
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