I've a Handlebar template (actually a Moustache template) as

<script id="thumbnail" type="text/x-handlebars-template">

    <div class="thumbnail" style="left: {{#coordx}}{{@index}}{{/coordx}};">
        Test Index is {{@index}}


Here's the data context I'm using.

 var generateThumbnails = {
        "available": [

        coordx : function () {
              return someValue;

On the fly, I'm generating the left css margin as coordx with the function coordx.

In the template, I want to pass the {{@index}} which is used to generate the left margin (which is not working). Like explained at calling function with arguments in mustache javascript

How should I pass the index so that I can get the margin value?

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  • So are you using Handlebars or Mustache? The syntax will be different for each. If you're using Handlebars, you have invalid syntax. – gfullam Nov 12 '14 at 18:34

2 Answers2


if you are trying to use the index in your function you will want to go:

<script id="thumbnail" type="text/x-handlebars-template">

<div class="thumbnail" style="left: {{coordx @index}}">
    Test Index is {{@index}}

in your function you would go:

coordx : function (index) {
     var item = index;

     if(item == 0){
     } else {

this will yield:

<div class="thumbnail" style="left: 15px;">
    Test Index is 0

<div class="thumbnail" style="left: 30px;">
    Test Index is 1
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Invalid syntax for Handlebars

If you are using Handlebars (hard to tell from your post), to iterate over arrays, use the {{#each}} helper.




{{#each available}}

Register a Handlebars Helper

To pass @index to a function and perform some operation before returning it, register a custom expression helper in your JS file, instead of passing a function in the JSON model. In Handlebars, functions aren't expected in the JSON context.


// Expression Helper
// Return index multiplied by 10 appended with 'px' unit.
Handlebars.registerHelper('coordx', function (index) {
    return (index * 10) + 'px';

Final Template:

{{#each available}}
    <div class="thumbnail" style="left: {{coordx @index}};">
        Index {{@index}}: {{this}}

Here is a working JS Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/gfullam/L5jrq3dp/

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