I'm newbie in Tapestry. I'm trying to use Tynamo CKEditor to make wysiwyg-editor on a page. There is a guide. Maven installed it. Firstly, I tried to copy code from this page, but it didn't work (there was a error of the page's deploying). I modified code. As a result I can see the page, but CKEditor still doesn't work.


    <t:textarea t:id="textarea" t:value="contents" t:mixins="tynamo/ckeditor" parameters="{'toolbar': 'Full'}" />


package com.schoolmath.costructor.pages;

import org.apache.tapestry5.annotations.Property;

public class About
    private String contents;

A screenshot of the error: http://cs418327.vk.me/v418327411/a53d/1py6ea7BNKc.jpg

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