I am using a jQuery-steps on my app to for a wizard-like situation. I am having trouble finding out how to change to a custom step though. Any help with this one?

$(function () {
        headerTag: "h2",
        bodyTag: "section",
        transitionEffect: "slideLeft",
        enableFinishButton: false,
        labels: {
            next: $('#next').html(),
            previous : $('#previous').html()

        onStepChanged: function (event, currentIndex, priorIndex)
            if( priorIndex == 0) {
                var selected = $('input[name=radio_wizard]:checked', '#radio_wizard').val()
                switch( selected ){
                    case 1:
                        // GOTO 1 
                    case 2:
                        // GOTO 2 
                    case 3:
                        // GOTO 3 

How to achieve this?

Rafael Staib
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15 Answers15


I did this so I created this new function:

function _goToStep(wizard, options, state, index)
    return paginationClick(wizard, options, state, index);

And the call that is not implemented, put this:

$.fn.steps.setStep = function (step)

    var options = getOptions(this),
        state = getState(this);

    return _goToStep(this, options, state, step);


Just taking advantage of what already existed plugin.


wizard.steps("setStep", 1);
Fernando Tholl
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    Why don't you submit this as a pull request? – tutuDajuju Dec 19 '13 at 14:00
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    For all I want to mention to be careful to change the signature from `function(index,step)` to the `function(step)` above mentioned by @Fernando Tholl – Cristian E. Jan 30 '14 at 11:45
  • I added this to my steps plugin file, but still complaining and says not yet implemented! Any idea? Thanks – ZAD May 06 '16 at 15:38
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    Same for me : Inside $.fn.steps.setStep, it says that 'getOptions' is not implemented. I have a hard time picture what is the "this" and the scope of setStep's body, and to which object getOptions is supposed to belong. – jeancallisti Jul 02 '18 at 16:52

I found a simple way to do this. you can use the jquery function


assuming you know what step you want to go to. this example would bring you to the third step of the wizard. use chromes editor to figure out what the exact id is of the step you want to go to.

Santosh Panda
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Matthew Friedman
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stepsWizard = $("#wizard").steps({
        forceMoveForward : true,
        enablePagination: false,
        titleTemplate : '<span class="number">#index#.</span> #title#'

stepsWizard.steps("next"); // this will send us on next step :-)
Code Maverick
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Abdul Jamal
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Check my following implementation, What do you think guys?

$.fn.steps.setStep = function (step)
  var currentIndex = $(this).steps('getCurrentIndex');
  for(var i = 0; i < Math.abs(step - currentIndex); i++){
    if(step > currentIndex) {

And you can execute the new method very easy:

$("#form").steps("setStep", 4); //based on 0 (set the index)

Regards, Nicholls

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Based on the documentation, it seems to lack that functionality as of right now:

 * Sets a specific step object by index.  
 * @method setStep  
 * @param index {Integer} An integer that belongs to the position of a step  
 * @param step {Object} The step object to change  
$.fn.steps.setStep = function (index, step) 
    throw new Error("Not yet implemented!"); 
Code Maverick
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Basing on @AbdulJamal answer, I've implemented it for any step:

$(function () {
    var stepsWizard = $("#wizard").steps({

    // step variable handles current step (from 0)
    for(var i=0; i<step; i++) {

Note that step variable must be defined and equal or greater than 0.

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  • This will trigger the stepping events every step of the way. A way to go directly to the desired step seem like a better solution. – Benyamin Shoham Jun 10 '18 at 16:46
function GotoSpecificStep(action, currentStep, number) {
        var stepsTogo = parseInt(currentStep) - parseInt(number);
        for (i = 1; i <= Math.abs(parseInt(stepsTogo)) ; i++) {
            if (action == "next") {
            else if (action == "prev") {
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enter image description here

take the id of the step you want go and add a trigger!

Suraj Rao
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Adding to the answer above by @FernandoTholl, for clarification, wizard.steps("setStep", 1); goes in onStepChanged

  onStepChanging: function (event, currentIndex, newIndex) {
      //blah, blah, blah, some code here
  onStepChanged: function (event, currentIndex, newIndex) {
    $('#wizard').steps("setStep", 3);
  onFinished: function () {
      ///more code
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I did something like below to get it worked:

stepsWizard = $("#wizard").steps({
    headerTag: "h2",
    bodyTag: "section"

var indx = 3;
for (i = 0; i <= indx; i++) {
Mohamed Thaufeeq
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Another simple solution:

var desiredStep = 0;
$("#steps-uid-0-t-" + desiredStep).click();
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Created this new function:

function _goToStep(wizard, options, state, index)
    return paginationClick(wizard, options, state, index);
And the call that is not implemented, put this:

Call that is not implemented, put this:

$.fn.steps.setStep = function (step)

    var options = getOptions(this),
        state = getState(this);

    return _goToStep(this, options, state, index); //Index Instead step


wizard.steps("setStep", 1);

works just fine

onInit: function(event) {
        let div = event.currentTarget;
        let lis = div.getElementsByTagName('li');
        // Choose second tab
        // active is just show style, only effective after clicking tag a.
        lis[1].className += ' active';
YL Mei
  • 1

I did this so I created this new function in jquery.steps.js, is important inserts before the $.fn.steps.setStep function:

function _goToStep(wizard, options, state, index)
    return paginationClick(wizard, options, state, index);

In jquery.steps.js find the $.fn.steps.setStep = function and replace then with:

$.fn.steps.setStep = function (step)

    var options = getOptions(this),
        state = getState(this);

    return _goToStep(this, options, state, step);



wizard.steps("setStep", 1);

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This is the simplest solution i found.

  1. Find your tablist item id (in my case it is '#ef_users_list-t-')
  2. Trigger click event
var tablist_item = 'ef_users_list-t-';

var step = 2; // step number to jump to