
I have a Point2D class and i am trying to overload the input operator >>

class Point2D
           int getX();
           int getY();

           void setX(int);
           void setY(int);

           double getScalarValue();

          bool operator < ( const Point2D& x2) const
            return x < x2.x;

              friend istream& operator >> (istream&,Point2D);


             int x;
             int y;
             double distFrOrigin;
             void setDistFrOrigin();


Outside my main function

    #include <iostream>
    #include <fstream>
    #include "Line2D.h"
    #include "MyTemplates.h"
    #include <string>
    #include <set>

    using namespace std;

    istream operator >> (istream& is , Point2D p2d)
        string p;
       int position = p.find(", ");

        string k = p.substr(0,position);

       if ( k == "Point2D")
         string x = p.substr(10,1);
         int x_coordinate = atoi(x.c_str()); // atoi(x.c_str()) convert string x to int


       return is;

In my int main()

    int main()

   fstream afile;
   string p;

   if (!afile)
     cout<<"File could not be opened for reading";

   Point2D abc;


   set<Point2D> P2D;

   set<Point2D>::iterator p2 = P2D.begin();

   while ( p2 != P2D.end() )


I dont understand why am i getting an error:

c++ forbids declaration of istream with no type

I have already included iostream , fstream , using namespace std , i cant figure out whats wrong

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2 Answers2


You have several issues in your code.

  1. This is the reason for your error message. You don't #include <iostream> in Point2D.h/Line2D.h.

    As others already suggested, use std::istream instead of just istream.

  2. The correct operator>>() should be

    std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &is, Point2D &p2d);

    Note the std::istream& and the Point2D&. Point2D& is important, because otherwise you modify a local copy and the given parameter remains unchanged.

  3. Your input operator is fragile. It is vulnerable to having more or less whitespace. You also allow exactly one digit for x_coordinate. Additionally, you skip one character beyond Point2D,. A better approach could be to separate the parts with just whitespace and let the iostream library handle the parsing. E.g.

    Point2D 15 28

    could be read by

    string tag;
    is >> tag;
    if (tag == "Point2D")
        is >> p2d.x >> p2d.y;
    return is,
Olaf Dietsche
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  • just wondering why must i repeat #include in my Point2D header file when i have already included it in my main file – Computernerd Nov 10 '13 at 15:17
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    You don't need to, of course. But as you can see, relying on the inclusion somewhere else *and* `using namespace` gives you the error message. If you insist on including `iostream` before `Line2D`, you must also say using namespace *before* including `Line2D`. Therefore it is best to do the necessary prerequisites in the relevant header file and not somewhere else. Thus the recommendation: do the include in `Line2D` and use `std::istream` instead of `using namespace`. – Olaf Dietsche Nov 10 '13 at 15:22

The thing that pops out (as Dietmar Kühl mentioned) is that you aren't returning a reference of istream. Try changing this method header

istream operator >> (istream& is , Point2D p2d)

to this:

istream& operator >> (istream& is , Point2D p2d)

As a rule of thumb returning a reference to an object that you haven't made a copy constructor for is usually a good idea. Returning a reference means that you are returning the address that the object is located. To correctly return by value, there needs to be a copy made of the object being returned.

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