I want to get the path of a folder that is 2 directories up from the current location.

I am doing the following:

echo %CD%
set NEW_PATH = ..\..\bin\
echo %PATH%

When I run the above I get the current directory path printed but the NEW_PATH isnt.. It just says ECHO_OFF.

From this link: Batch File: Error in relative path , one level up from the current directory I have also tried

set NEW_PATH = %~dp0..\..\bin\

but still the same problem.

How can I get this directory path?

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2 Answers2


For each folder, .. points to its parent folder, so, two levels up from current folder is ..\... Now, to convert the relative reference to a absolute full path, we need to get a reference to the pointed file/folder. To do it we can pass the relative reference as an argument to a subroutine or we can use a for command

@echo off

    setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion

    set "newDir=..\..\bin"

    rem With a subroutine   
    call :resolve "%newDir%" resolvedDir
    echo %resolvedDir%

    rem With a for - retrieve the full path of the file/folder being
    rem              referenced by the for replaceable parameter
    for %%f in ("%newDir%") do echo %%~ff

    goto :EOF

:resolve file/folder returnVarName
    rem Set the second argument (variable name) 
    rem to the full path to the first argument (file/folder)
    set "%~2=%~f1"
    goto :EOF


The submitted code gets relative path for the current directory, not batch file directory. If batch file relative is what you need, try

set "newDir=%~dp0\..\..\bin\"

where %~dp0 is the drive and path of the current batch file (%0 is a reference to the current batch file) and proced with the same/similar code

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    Would be great if you could elaborate the meaning of once of these two approaches. This gave me enough to do what I wanted, but had I have needed to traverse 3 levels up, I wouldn't have known how to modify it to do what I needed. – Ian Jul 28 '15 at 12:17
  • For anyone looking to understand what's going on in this answer with %~f etc., the accepted answer on this question has some useful documentation for that syntax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5034076/what-does-dp0-mean-and-how-does-it-work – Solaraeus Nov 10 '15 at 19:04

I had the same problem today but a little different, I had to call a bat from another folder and this is how i solve it:

@echo off    

rem tree

rem  <driver>
rem    |
rem   root
rem    |-- A
rem        |-- B
rem            |-- C
rem                |-- test.bat
rem    |-- D
rem        |-- E
rem            |-- testD.bat
rem        |-- testSibling.bat 

rem  take current dir
set "crt_dir=%~dp0"

rem go 3 levels up 
for %%I in ("%crt_dir%\..\..\..") do set "root=%%~fI"

set "sibling=%root%\D

set "insideSibling=%sibling%\E

echo +----------------------------------------------+
echo + current dir   -- "%crt_dir%"
echo + root dir      -- "%root%"
echo + siblling      -- "%sibling%"
echo + insideSibling -- "%insideSibling%"
echo +----------------------------------------------+

call %sibling%\siblingTest.bat
call %insideSibling%\testD.bat

SiblingTest.bat :

echo    +---------------------------------------+
echo    + inside sibling folder "%~dp0"
echo    +---------------------------------------+


echo    +---------------------------------------+
echo    + inside D folder "%~dp0"
echo    +---------------------------------------+

And the output is this:

enter image description here

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