I have trouble with my android project, I did not touch anything and suddenly my app stopped working because of this error. Do you have some idea about what is happening? The error is this:

10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-1210
10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137): java.lang.OutOfMemoryError
10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137):    at com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache.streamToBytes(DiskBasedCache.java:316)
10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137):    at com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache.readString(DiskBasedCache.java:526)
10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137):    at com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache.readStringStringMap(DiskBasedCache.java:549)
10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137):    at com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache$CacheHeader.readHeader(DiskBasedCache.java:392)
10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137):    at com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache.initialize(DiskBasedCache.java:155)
10-30 22:53:38.246: E/AndroidRuntime(19137):    at    com.android.volley.CacheDispatcher.run(CacheDispatcher.java:85)

please help me!!

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4 Answers4


Looks like a fix for this went in June 24th .

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-If the problem is due to Bitmaps then use

Lazy Imageloader for Bitmaps in listviews

-Make sure you dnt have too much work in its background task.

-And if possible please post your code from where you are getting this issue so we can also learn from it . THanks! :)

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  • I am using UNiversal Image loader for loading images in my feedlist but I am getting at com.android.volley.toolbox.DiskBasedCache.streamToBytes(DiskBasedCache.java:316) error.I am using a viewpager with five fragments.What can be the reason behind this. – Karthika PB Jun 19 '15 at 07:04

This thing can be an easy fix for this

just add this line in your application tag in manifest file


like this


you can detect you memory leaks from Memory analyzer in eclipse which is taking much space and optimize your code by that

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