QUESTION: How to use https in registration/login(any other) php page? pseudo code:

is it https?
yes continue
no redirect same page via https

Background: I wanna make secure registration and login form. 1. I wanna go throught all steps to detect if I'm not missing something. 2. I wanna ask especialy how to use https to protect the passwords on the way to server.

  • add 1. steps: a. User click on link registration/login => check if the registration/page uses https - if not redirct and use https (this I do SOMEHOW BUT DON'T KNOW HOW - the second part of question) b. so now I'm connected to the registration/login page via https, user set the passwords into imput fieldt which will be obviously set to input type password(and obviously use post method), then he
    press submit button - cause I use post + https the data should be pass secure to the server. c. now the registration/login script is passed, and its redirected to the handle page it could be same php page - I thing I should still use https. d. now I encript the passwords via sha256 something like sha256(sha256(password)+salt),
    make connection to database using prepared statement to prevent sql injection e. if the input data is ok registration is done (some mail could be sent but its another problem, don't need to solve it here), if its is login and the passwords fits I put some data to session - info about user like id + rights, QUESTION IS: should I still use https for members section? I think it's not important, unless I wanna change password (I will use https again for change
    password form).
  • add 2. HTTPS CONNECTION CHECK user click link to the login/registration page, I should do something like:

    IS it HTTPS? YES => CONTINUE, NO => REDIRECT SAME PAGE VIA HTTPS I know there is some variable or something which tells me if its https, but I don't know how to write it in php5(this one or two lines). So the question is how to do point 2(HTTPS connection CHECK)?

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  • Instead of two passes of SHA-256, use [CRYPT_BLOWFISH](http://php.net/manual/function.crypt.php). SHA is for fast hashing of large data blocks and therefore not suited for password encryption. – Kontrollfreak Oct 27 '13 at 11:08
  • Well I'll check this part. But my main poit was that https. – user1097772 Oct 27 '13 at 11:21
  • Why don't you use HTTPS on all pages? – ComFreek Oct 27 '13 at 11:29
  • Cause its to much not important overhead? – user1097772 Oct 27 '13 at 11:34
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    It doesn't directly answer your question, but if you're attempting to implement your own authentication system (which I would strongly counsel you against doing) then you should certainly read [The definitive guide to form based website authentication](http://stackoverflow.com/a/477578). – eggyal Oct 27 '13 at 11:47
  • @eggyal thx, I have to do it :P it seems rly helpful, thx so + for the advice – user1097772 Oct 27 '13 at 11:51
  • possible duplicate of [Redirecting from HTTP to HTTPS with PHP](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5106313/redirecting-from-http-to-https-with-php) – RandomSeed Mar 07 '14 at 15:23

1 Answers1


To check if the request has been made through HTTPS, check $_SERVER['HTTPS'].

$https = !empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off';
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