I get the following error when i run $ php -v command.

PHP:  syntax error, unexpected '&' in /etc/php.ini on line 113
PHP 5.3.3 (cli) (built: Jul 12 2013 20:35:47)

The error is coming from the following line : Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

; error_reporting
    Default Value: E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
    Development Value: E_ALL | E_STRICT
;   Production Value: E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED

How do i fix this?

Chamara Keragala
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1 Answers1


There is no such setting Default Value, you removed the ; on that line but that explains the PHP default value and other values.

few lines down you will see:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE

Settings have this syntax: ini_setting = value

Add semicolon ; to both Default Value and Development Value

Check the manual

Mihai Iorga
  • 36,863
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  • Thanks for this. I edited my php.ini looking at this post http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5050426/php-errors-not-being-displayed-in-the-browser-ubuntu-10-10. It's kind of misleading. – Chamara Keragala Oct 23 '13 at 04:51